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  • Hi lefthand , ive now tweaked your Sally look from the nightmare before xmas and would love your input . If you want me to send you the files so you can post an update / collab then by all means let me know . If not , could i post my version which includes YOURS as a dependancy , aswell as i will post as a collab ?

    Here is a pic of the results either way , let me know what you think ? ;) I didnt edit the body , all i tweaked was the face moprhs and face texture.

    Hi Anon - this is awesome! The face looks so good. Great work! Yes, please feel free to post. Thanks!!!
    Thankyou so much , i will post as a collab and your depends are in the scene too so all will also need YOUR version too lol ;). Im glad you like my edit / tweaked version too 😍 LOL ....... I wil post her soon and thanks for the go ahead for lack of a better word (y)
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