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  • Greetings! Your works are very nice! Do you share your models?
    Hello, thank you for taking good care of my characters. unfortunately i don't share the character
    Is there a reason why you don't share your models some that are really good and I hope that you will upload them here or in patreon
    Thank you so much for liking and liking my customization.
    Even if I knew how to share, I wouldn't share every customization I have.
    If sharing was easy and you knew how,
    Most of the characters I have now have been released on the hub. Unfortunately, I find the sharing method difficult,
    Some people showed me how to share custom,
    The structure of the hub itself felt complicated, and since I am not good at English, it was not easy for me to understand the methods provided.
    I don't know when I'll know how, but when I do
    I'll upload it. I'm sorry to those who had high expectations and to those who wanted to have my customization.
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