Gokuraku Jodo MMD Test

Scenes Gokuraku Jodo MMD Test


DarkChris submitted a new resource:

Gokuraku Jodo MMD Test - A precise MMD Dance Animation

This is a test conversion of one of my favorite MMD's for alignment testing: Gokuraku Jodo. It has very precise arm and feet movement, so it can be useful in visual identification of how well an MMD conversion process is going. It's also an elegant and sensual dance when done right.

You should be able to use whatever look you want, but be careful of using collision or changing the joint physics. MMD models are basically anime cartoon characters compared to the realistic depiction that VAM...

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Hi DarkChris,
Very glad to meet a former MMD fan. There are indeed a number of dances I would be soooo happy to bring to VaM. You have my support on your effort.
I look forward to bringing MMD cuteness overload into VaM! 😁
Greetings, CuteSvetlana - the pleasure is mine.

I had to stop late last night to do some paid work, but I've got some time this week I can use to improve what I have so far for the VMD code. I was able to find the encoding for the VMD animation files, which should help me with the bytecode for facial expressions:

While there's still a lot of work to be done, if you have any dances you'd like included in the test runs, let me know. I also have a thread going in the plugins section with more links/sources.
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