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Scenes StrangeDreams


Active member
Mediocre_Yoker submitted a new resource:

StrangeDreams - Fun with CheesyFX in VR!

So I wanted to play around with the CheesyPluginSuite. I started messing around with it and as I did, I just kept adding stuff to the scene until, well... This happened. This is basically a test area for new Looks in VR, but there are some other cool features that you might have fun with. (Sorry desktop folks.) I don't want to get into the details, but there is no story. Just hop in on VR and have fun! Shouts out to CheesyFX and ClockwiseSilver for the awesome plug-ins and Farger (The Master...

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The only thing I can think of that might cause an issue like that on my end would be if the thrusters some how got linked to your VR Camera, which I doubt is the case. Make sure to download all of the dependencies. What's your FPS looking like, and what headset are you using?
Mediocre_Yoker updated StrangeDreams with a new update entry:

Post Processing Toggle

After some testing, I decided to reach out the community for help. Thanks to a recommendation by @vertigoeighty, a working toggle for the Post Processing Plug-In was found and now works perfectly. So if your headset "jitters" or "shakes" when using this scene, make use of the toggle, and the issue should be resolved. Thank you for your patience with me and this issue.

Read the rest of this update entry...
A working toggle has been implemented in the latest update. Thank you for you patience and understanding. The plug-in is a bit buggy, and the creator of the plug-in hasn't been around for a few years, so there is no way to tell if there will ever be an update with fixes in the future. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey @Mediocre_Yoker awesome scene man, thank you for sharing :)

Is there a button I'm missing to have a dude in the scene interacting with her in all her positions so it's more realistic with the girl? Thanks!
Hey @Mediocre_Yoker awesome scene man, thank you for sharing :)

Is there a button I'm missing to have a dude in the scene interacting with her in all her positions so it's more realistic with the girl? Thanks!
No, this scene is meant to be just the female (or male if you choose). When you use one of the toys provided, the character will automatically interact with it once it is placed close enough or into an orifice. The option for using additional characters was bypassed for this scene, as it would create scaling issues with alignments, being that some looks are taller or shorter than others. Instead, I decided to simply use toys so that the user can align things manually with their VR hand controllers. I am working on a scene that does work in a similar fashion to "StrangeDreams" but features two characters like you are describing, but it still has a bit of work left to do before it's ready for the hub. Follow me and keep an eye out for the "Test Drive" scene that should be released in a few weeks.
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