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We really need better filters


Well-known member
I really wish there were a way to scroll through resources and choose what type I am looking at. Specifically it would be great to filter out resources that show in the scroll feed with a check box or something. For example I have zero interest in looks, and yet half the results are new looks. It would just be great to choose a drop down menu and filter them out so I can see only new plugins, hairs, clothes assets etc, paid or otherwise. Since 90% of the looks are paid anyway it feels like I am swimming through spam just to see the resources I am interested in.
Those filters already exist. Besides filtering looks you can prefilter by free or paid.
Have a closer look.
From what I can see you can filter by category and then Free, Early Access or Paid. So if I want to scroll through all the resources while skipping the daily tidal wave of generic looks. I can click on each category and then look at it individually in three price classes. There are 9 categories in 3 price structures. So assuming I want to see everything but looks I would only need to click on and browse through 24 (8 categories X 3 prices) different pages to accomplish what I want. Not exactly the most efficient way to filter information.

If there is a better way please enlighten me, I would be genuinely thrilled to hear it. Otherwise I am going to stick with the post topic. We need better filters.
Additionally I don't intend to come off as overly critical or ungratful to the folks who run the hub. The hub is awesome, especially compared to when we used to be on Reddit. I am just expressing an annoyance and a suggestion for improvement.
It would be nice if the assets filter were to be broken up, as right now "asset" can mean environments, furniture, props, or clothing items
It would also be nice if the looks were seperated in male/female/futa/anime/fantasy for example.
Yeah it feels like that could be accomplished with the current tagging system if there were just a way to filter out or filter by. Of course not all creators are consistent with their tagging.
It is possible to filter out categories. In the advanced search, when selecting categories you can select by ctrl-click or shift-click to select multiple categories.


Will look into the suggestion about adding more flexibility to the tag search.
The problem with the tag system is that people are really bad at tagging stuff. Some use the wrong tag, while others don't bother entering tags at all. So if you filter by tag, you WILL miss stuff.
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