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[Released] WIP: Precise Sim Tools (working title: "Stripwise")


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
Update: This asset is available in a slim beta version here: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/stripwise-lite-beta.30792/
progress is still being made on the larger version

Hello dears,
TL;DR: I'm creating a plugin that will give you fine control over sim & undressing. This thread is for updates and feedback on its progress.

My scene is at a point where I need to be precise in how clothing is undressed, and I haven't found the tools to do so. This, of course, means I will be creating the tools and providing them to you for your use as well.

What I want is a finer control over what part of the outfit becomes undressable, and when. My early tests have shown that this is very possible, however it will ultimately require the sim settings on the outfit to give a nice range. For those that do, we can be very precise about how to interpret that sim gradient.

For those that don't have a good (or any) sim texture, I am interested to find out how challenging applying a new one dynamically will be. If it's within reach, then this will empower creators to enhance the sim properties of any clothing outfit they are using in a scene-- having zippable outfits actually unzip, buttoning shirts and unbuttoning them one button at a time, having just the shoulder strap of an outfit fall down. Precision.

I am, suffice to say, confident that something useful will come of this for you.
I am not sure what to name it. Super Sim? Sim enhancer?
True Undress? [I am leaning now toward 'super strip']

Update 9/30:
I've been able to establish regions of control of the sim.

Here's the current plan (10/2):
Users can add multiple regions like the video above. Each region can have multiple "Layers"
These layers are basically just a line with a start /end state, allowing things like diagonal undressing, or otherwise precisely deciding what area in the region gets undressed. The region has a 'state' slider that goes between 0 and 1, and each layer can define where in that range they start and end.

Once the regions and layers are set up, animating is simply changing the value of either a global state slider (affecting all regions), or the individual region sliders, depending on how procedural you want your undressing to be/ how much control you want over it.

In the very simplest use of this plugin, you add it and can immediately animate the slider. A default region is automatically added for full body, with a default vertical undress layer for the full body. So you don't have to do anything if you just want to animate a top-to-bottom undress.

Or Complex
But if you want to get really precise/intricate, you can set up a region for a shoulder, a region for just the front of body where buttons and zipper are, a region for the upper half of the body, and a region for the full body, etc. The shoulder region can have a layer that just loosens the top and another layer that completely undress it at a diagonal down to the rib that comes after. The front region could just have one stage going from top to bottom, maybe just the right half of the body if you wanted to get interesting with what parts are undressed. Then you could animate the stage of each region separately, to precisely time when the shoulder is loosened, dropped, and then animate the character unzipping/unbuttoning as you animate the front region, then animate the rest of the undressing along with the character, etc. If you wanted to animate any of this happening along a diagonal or sideways instead of top to bottom, you could do that also.

Also note that this can be used to precisely dress someone instead, and easily combine layers that undress with layers that dress, if you wanted.

Update 2/27
Because so much time has been taken from me lately, I've decided to release this in stages: a Lite version, followed by a Pro version. Both will be free. The lite version is something I can get to you now(ish), and it just has a few sliders, no fancy UI, and limited functionality. Once I have more time I'll focus on finishing the Pro version, which will include the fancy UI and additional features.

So, I will be aiming to provide you with an alpha preview of "Stripwise Lite" tomorrow or sooner. You'll be able to define left, right, top, bottom, front, and back cutoff points for cloth rigidity, as well as define the vertical region the effect takes place in.

More Soon <3
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What about True strip or Real Peel LOL I just had to. This plugin is so needed and it's defo gonna be a big one so I would go with something short and catchy.
What about True strip or Real Peel LOL I just had to. This plugin is so needed and it's defo gonna be a big one so I would go with something short and catchy.
I like Real Peel ^_^ catchy
Although it may be better to name it something that communicates what it does quickly; True strip is definitely less awkward than True Undress. I'm not great with titles of things.
I believe we are in business.
Here's the nice Swim_P suit (also by @VL_13 ). This first video is carefully adjusting the normal undress threshold and joint strength to try getting a precise effect with the sim texture. As you can see, while it has a nice detach capability, it doesn't have a vertical gradient.

This second video is an experiment altering rigidity based on value remapping and a multiplier based on vertical position. While being vertical is obviously not something we can rely on in the final plugin, this test demonstrates we can greatly enhance the gradient of a sim.

Bloody hell that's a massive difference. I am excited to see more in action. And your right about the last comment but it is a hard one to name tbf, not as easy as the naming was for timeline or embody plugin eh. And just wondering if this is going to be a public hub plugin or paid?
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Bloody hell that's a massive difference. I am excited to see more in action. And your right about the last comment but it is a hard one to name tbf, not as easy as the naming was for timeline or embody plugin eh. And just wondering if this is going to be a public hub plugin or paid?

This is going to be public. Any plugin that can improve how or what content people can create or share will always be free and open source. I want to see cool stuff using it, and empower people with the tools to make things. Patrons will have access to the experimental alpha as soon as it's stable and useful, but as soon as it is 'releasable' into a beta it will be on the hub.

The only plugins I might paywall are plugins with a local experience improvement, like UI upgrades, save file helpers or companion apps, or other quality of life things. Morph Filter was somewhere in between free and paid, for example, but ultimately I felt it would improve creator's workflows too much to charge for it. My patreon is mostly for the scenes I'm creating that are inspiring me to create these plugins ^_^
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I have a test scene using timeline that works well with the experimental script. However, while everything starts smooth, at some point the FPS drops while using the plugin, and I haven't yet discovered the cause. If it were simply too costly an operation I would expect it to drop FPS immediately, but the scene can run perfectly smoothly for some time.

Right now this operates every frame on every cloth vertex for 2 sets of vertex buffers, so there is plenty of optimization to be done that could make up for the frame drop, but I think I should look closer and find out what is changing, when, and why, especially to ensure it's not a resource problem that grows over time.
Yeah I would have thought if it was heavy on fps that it would be from the start. When the fps drops is it gradually getting worse over time or it just suddenly drops? I would bet there are a few good plugin devs out there that would love to have a look for/with you.

I'm sure you will figure this problem out though.
When the fps drops is it gradually getting worse over time or it just suddenly drops?

It just drops. I'll test a slider for a while and everything's smooth, then when I test again it's slow (and continues to be slow from then on). I haven't reliably reproduced it, I'll have to see if it's something happening between scene loads or something that happens over a time.
I think I may have found the issue: apparently when you remove clothing, it remains in the scene and is just deactivated (probably to optimize loading it again later). My tests were brute-force gathering all sim children of a person, this means every time I changed outfits to test on a different one, I was adding another outfit to get fully updated every frame (because the old outfit was still found and updated). After a few outfits, that adds up to a lot of vertices and the work starts to show. I suspect this was the issue.
Glad you found the problem. Forgot about that problem and always forget to unload memory in the control tab.

Working on region-specific sim settings, and adding a few new plugins to my to-do list.
I wonder if I will ever have time to actually work on my scene :/
Any idea at all of an eta for the first release? Can't wait to try it.
Unfortunately the schedule is dragged a little due to 'crunch mode' at my day job.
I've set up some architecture but need an interface to test with. Once the UI is there, if the rest of it works, I could see putting up a private alpha early next week. But there are a few things that could go wrong between now and then.
That looks amazing. It would be nice if there was an easy way to keep clothing in place after it's moved. Mainly for pants and underwear when they're pulled down but you don't want them to keep going.
I've had some success using the physics settings and triggers and cloth grab spheres but they're not always reliable.
If she pulls down yoga pants they would need to be pinned at the mid thigh or knees etc and then tightened so they don't seem all loose.
That looks amazing. It would be nice if there was an easy way to keep clothing in place after it's moved. Mainly for pants and underwear when they're pulled down but you don't want them to keep going.
This is interesting, and I'll definitely add it to the list of potential features. I can see a couple ways of doing this, but whether or not it's performant will depend on how the position data is stored in the cloth system.
Quite a productive day today, Darlings.
This is indeed becoming a real thing. I'm going to start updating the top post with the latest videos
Looking forward to this! It's going to be a game changer!
Just to update, though my time has been short this is still progressing.
I decided it is a real pain to implement all the UI dynamically through VAM method calls,
So I am building it from scratch in Unity as an asset bundle that will replace the normal plugin UI.

This allows some fanciness and is faster to implement.
Here's a preview of how individual layers of a region will be set up.


Of course, again, layers are optional and if you simply want something changing from top to bottom that will be the default layer setup, but this will let tinkerers decide how the region undresses (everything on one side of the line will be modified)
Multiple layers can be animated at different times, and in different regions, for those looking for extra precision.

I haven't fixed the VR pointer issue yet, so you'll have to use sliders to change the point positions in VR if you don't want to use mouse and keyboard.
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Going to leave this here to allow interested parties to prepare themselves for the depths of optional controls in hopes of a softer landing on release.

Don't mind the banding, it's a lossy gif
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