Requires VaM v1.22 (latest)
Preset Loaded TriggersTrigger anything when a preset load of a given type is detected on the Person atom.
Load events of individual hair and clothing item presets are currently not supported. If you have some killer idea for a hair or clothing preset related use case though, let me know.
"Use this atom if missing" doesn't currently work for actions that target another plugin in the same plugin preset with this plugin, and that plugin preset is merge loaded to a plugins list that already has at least one plugin.
Example #1: Custom Preset Types
Create fully customized presets by triggering anything you want for when a Plugin Preset is loaded, then saving a plugin preset containing this plugin. When you merge load that plugin preset, this is what happens:1. A new instance of this plugin is added from the preset file
2. The trigger actions you have defined in the preset file for the Plugin Preset loaded event are restored to the new instance
3. Preset load is done, and VAM runs the Plugin Preset loaded event
4. Trigger actions are executed
For example, you can create presets for Teeth Materials for which there is no built in specialized preset type.