Mental Discharge - Full
7 positions, rough sex, each position has 3 different animated expressions, optional fart sounds, moans, couple mocap tests, AI voiced dialogue, immersive environment, more customization options, SOME compatibility with custom looks...
If you are on Desktop, you can press F3 for male PoV.
Post Magic is automatically disabled after the initial load, for VR users.
If the glass doesn't properly hide, use the related button to completely remove it from the scene.
Some positions may create SERIOUS "joint distortions," depending on the custom looks you load.
Free Version
Scenes - Mental Discharge - Free
Mental Discharge - Free 4 positions, rough sex, some alternative animated expressions, optional fart sounds, moans, couple mocap tests, AI voiced dialogue, immersive environment, customization options, SOME compatibility with custom looks...
This is a single continuous scene with a Quick Reset button present at all times.