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[Experimental] Alternative Futa

Plugins [Experimental] Alternative Futa

  • Geometry
    • Changed the pinning on the front of the pelvis to remove jagged lines
    • Changed the pinning on the perineum to be further forward
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      • Still works pretty well with Weeb's textures but might require adjustment
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    • Added a "Vagina Hide" morph based off of Particle Pinnacle's vagina forward morphand some built-ins
      • This fixes some odd shadows with the new geometry
    • Fixed collision between testicles and the colliders in the pelvis and vagina
  • Material Options
    • Will now load all the saved body textures by default. Added 'merge load' setting to allow for the previous behavior
    • Fixed issue with some settings going to 0 when
    • Various fixes and improvements. Should hopefully be well-behaved now.
      • If you see issues, please let me know.
This update is a long-time coming, and it took a lot of investigation, custom tooling, and trial & error to get here. The end result, though, is what I'm hoping will be the final version of the geometry so texture work can start.

Huge thanks to @WeebUVR for helping me work through all this and creating some of the first compatible textures.

General Changes
  • The only major setting is now whether to show/hide the vagina.
    • The male pelvis is always drawn and don't use the base textures anymore.
    • Consequently, there's no longer a material UI for the female pelvis.
  • Added Save/Load of presets

  • Vagina Hidden - Now Default
    • The perineum now stretches around the vagina up towards the anus.
    • Non-visible parts of the vagina mesh are now hidden.
    • If you see small gaps between the pelvis and body, it's likely a problem with tessellation.
    • WeebUVR has already done some texturing work to smooth this out, and it's looking pretty good! I will let him release that when he's done.
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  • Vagina Shown
    • I've cleaned up the geometry/pinning and hid most of the perineum.
      • Unfortunately, there's no way to properly pin the back of the testicles to the area around the clit. The geometry is too different. This still needs to be 'folded' in.
      • The unused portions of the vagina mesh are now also hidden here as well.
    • Unfortunately, these will need likely need a separate set of textures from the 'hidden' version as it might be difficult to get a texture that works for both.
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I played around with various setups for 'pinning' the gens to the pelvis, but none ended up looking great. In the end, I went with just unpinning the perineum so that WeebUVR's morph worked on it correctly.
  • The default setting is now to show the vagina and male pelvis.
  • Added "AltFuta Hide Perineum" morph created by @WeebUVR
  • Added "AltFuta Gap Fix" morph created by combining a few built-in morphs
    • Can help tighten the gen area to hide gaps
  • Changed the grafting settings of the male gen mesh
The end result isn't perfect, but better than before.
Small fix to synchronize when morphs are applied so it's not contending with CharacterRun. It seems to have fixed at least one form of reproduceable error when applying morphs, but I'll continue to play around with it.
  • Soft reload now preserves skin settings
  • Fixed typo in plugin morph sliders
  • A few internal synchronization tweaks
A couple of fixes to collision. Seems to be better behaved but let me know if you still see issues.
  • Fixed Collision between gens and pelvis.
  • Fixed auto-collider size/position not updating in response to morphs.
  • I've traced down the issue with penis colliders. Should now be properly positioned and sized.
    • Auto-colliders auto-determine their size based on the mesh vertices. Vertex indexes are different for the alt-futa model so they had to be adjusted.
    • Using the adjusted vertex numbers on a male model messes up physics (which can happen if you switch from AltFuta to a male skin). I've added logic to set them back whenever this happens but it might not be perfect. Let me know if you see issues.
  • Added sliders for controlling the morphs.
    • These will override the morphs set through the Morphs UI.
    • Saving/Loading will use slider values.
    • Old versions of the morphs will be zeroed on load.
  • Fixed the initial (final? 🙏) compatibility issue with Everlaster's TittyMagic.
  • Seems to also now work with HuntingSuccubus' SubsurfaceScattering plugin.
  • Added material options for the 'override' pelvis used for when vagina is hidden.
    • Added a selector of whether to use the body or vagina texture for this. The fundamental problem is that this portion of the texture is typically not visible, so it's a toss-up between what the creator put there.
    • The vagina textures often mesh better with the rest of the body, but they also have a vagina. Luckily the male pelvis usually mostly covers it.
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    • Unfortunately there's no way to guarantee that a texture will work right out of the box and most would need to be re-made to work fully.
  • Various changes to the way material options are handled that should (hopefully) provide much more consistent behavior and less texture corruption.
This plugin previously created morphs from code. This didn't work for some people and required a newer version of VAM. I've migrated to using regular morphs using ceq3's Morph Merge and Split.

Hopefully this resolves some issues people have been seeing.
Adds initial support for a mode that hides the female gens. Some notes:
  • Renders the base G2F mesh in place of the female gens, which unfortunately doesn't have an anus.
    • This will be difficult to fix...
  • Adds an option to draw the pelvis region of the male gen mesh.
    • The edges of this are pinned to the base body, and it will deform to keep them aligned.
      • At some point I'll try doing this for the penis submesh as well.
    • Not all textures include this region. Most of the built-in ones do, but not so much the community ones.
  • Adds an option to use a transparency-enabled shader.
    • None of the transparent shaders support tesselation
  • There are still lines at the texture boundaries.
    • Some of this is due to mis-matching material options, but in many cases the textures just appear different.
  • Now attempts to match built-in textures to the corresponding futa texture, if available.
  • A lot of internal refactoring.
    • Should resolve some race conditions in initialization but might also break things.

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