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Chef / Cook from the latest Station 69 version :

For those who love reading : lore of and long story version of Ann & Station 69 :
Ann, 21 years old rogue scientist driven by an insatiable passion for unraveling the mysteries of alien species, found herself cast out from the scientific community. Her relentless pursuit of knowledge led her down paths deemed unethical by the Science Council, resulting in the stripping of her license and expulsion from legitimate research institutions. Undeterred by the consequences of her actions, Ann saw an opportunity amidst the chaos of Station 69, a forsaken outpost where she could conduct her experiments beyond the reach of authority.

With determination and resourcefulness, Ann established her own clandestine laboratory within the abandoned confines of Station 69. Here, free from the constraints of ethical oversight, she delved deeper into her forbidden research, pushing the boundaries of science in pursuit of truths hidden among the stars. Despite the risks and the isolation of her new environment, Ann remained undaunted, fueled by her unwavering belief in the importance of her work and the tantalizing prospect of uncovering secrets that could reshape the very fabric of the universe.


In the vast expanse of space, nestled within a far-off system, Station 69 once thrived as a beacon of knowledge and research. Its primary mission: to unravel the secrets of hostile alien races, seeking to understand their strengths and exploit their weaknesses for the betterment of humanity's future conflicts.

For years, the station hummed with activity as scientists delved into the mysteries of alien biology and psychology. Breakthroughs were made, advancements achieved, and victories celebrated. But then, in the shadows of its sterile corridors, an unseen menace lurked, waiting to unleash chaos upon its inhabitants.

The H virus, a silent terror with origins shrouded in mystery, swept through the station like wildfire. Its effects were devastating, deforming bone structures, erasing long-term memories, and unleashing a myriad of other mutations upon those unfortunate enough to be infected.
As the contagion spread, panic gripped the station's population. Evacuation efforts were launched, but not everyone could be saved. Some chose to remain, clinging to hope in the face of despair, while others were simply unable to escape the virus's insidious grasp.

In the aftermath of the outbreak, Station 69 became a ghostly relic of its former self, abandoned by the public and left to decay amidst the cold void of space. But within its crumbling walls, life persisted in a twisted form. The mutated survivors, driven mad by the virus's ravages, banded together, forming new animistic hierarchies reminiscent of monsters from ancient tales.

Now, as the station drifts silently through the cosmos, its halls echo with the haunting cries of those who once called it home. And amidst the shadows and debris, the remnants of humanity struggle to survive, their bodies warped and minds fractured by the legacy of the H virus, forever bound to the forsaken Station 69.


For Ann, Station 69 presented the perfect sanctuary, a hidden haven where she could pursue her research without fear of interference or judgment. Nestled away from prying eyes and the watchful gaze of authorities, the abandoned outpost provided her with the solitude and freedom she craved. Here, amidst the silence of the void and the decaying remnants of forgotten experiments, Ann found solace in her work, reveling in the uninterrupted pursuit of knowledge as she delved deeper into the mysteries of alien biology. With each passing day, she relished the boundless possibilities that Station 69 offered, embracing her newfound independence and savoring every moment of her clandestine existence.

First subject to test, - physical capabilities.


Cook / Chef . Cooks were once a part of the kitchen crew. Given the abundance of food rations left after the H-Virus erupted, it is no wonder why they look like that.

Hierarchy status : average
(not as common as other life forms, yet, still relatively easy to find)

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good story!!
Mostly written by ChatGPT since my grammar might be, sometimes, birb language level. Gave basics tho and some lines written by me. Had to ,, re - write it few times. ''

Nonetheless, thanks pantingyo.
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