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  • Just subscribed to your Patreon, your mocaps are great! If I may make a suggestion though, it seems like your free scenes are not posted on your Patreon. I'm not a content creator so idk how much it would help but maybe posting all free and paid content on the Patreon and directing everything there might increase your traffic on Patreon a bit and encourage ppl to pay for other scenes they see there? Might be good to check with other creators though and see what works best, just thought I'd throw it out there. Either way your work is awesome, keep it up!
    Sorry for this very late answer, I had a break from VaM and here I am again. I saw your message and I thank you very much for your suggestion, never thought of that. You are right about posting all the scene and will do so! I am open to any other suggestion in the future also.
    If you want, I give you some scenes of mine from Patreon, to enjoy.
    Thanks again!
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