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Not being a moaning old ass here BUT id the HUB slow as shit for anyone else ????? Its takign forever to load a page ?????
I have recently had Gigabit internet so was wondering if my new provider is crap lol ???? or its just the HUB ? :)
Hi Farger
I'll stop by to say thank you for all the ratings (y)
Appreciate it 🙏
Can just give it back, you are also doing great work as well Farger.
Guess as asset creators, we both know the work, that stands behind every asset ;)
Have a good night :sleep: 🛌 💤
I call it the labor of love.
Thats how it shoud be i guess ;)

The best results come from this ❤️
Just wanted to report on very happy use of "Characterfusioner". Have big collection of celebrities. Problem is multiple copies of the same one, since we have so many excellent artists here on VAM. Hard to make up mind on one as best. SOLUTION: Characterfusioner. Combined several characters & with randomization feature have had amazing results. Had to report this to you & thank you for "Inventing" this great plugin!
Thank you for all of your wonderful creations. You are always pushing the limits of our imaginations and what is possible in VAM.
I love the Aigis photos you took, she looks so pretty! If I may ask how did you get the lighting and her mouth/teeth to look so good? Mine aren't the best with realistic teeth and stuff ^^"
Thank you so much! While my scene composition is still poor/uninspired, the tools keep getting better and I have been getting better with lighting concepts.

Please of course make sure the vast majority of your praise goes towards OniEkohvius, the importer responsible for such a fantastic model. I have a lot of fun wasting away the hours with his models...even if I can only output actually-decent shots once in a blue moon. Aegis herself represents the pinnacle so far of his Persona imports; who knows if we'll see other Reload models in the future? They're so nice in the actual game and seeing them transfer over so well is incredible.

Other praise of course goes to asset/plugin wizards such as moyashi (postprocessing), HuntingSuccubus (celshader), ChainedStar (toon skybox), DemonLord (skybox coloring), Charlestone (beach), and a few others I'm forgetting.

I'll have a detailed answer for you regarding the scene setup in a direct message.
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