Plugins YAAP

, The name might not be easy to search and remember among plugins but I get the abbreviation and love what this does! , thank you.
I'm having trouble adding the animations to he list. How do I get them from the animation pack? do I have to use the actual root address?
the fields are for the filenames of the animations inside SPQR.AnimationsPack.1.var.
So "avatar/avatar_dance1" will try to open SPQR.AnimationsPack.1.var\Custom\BVH\avatar\avatar_dance1.bvh
works like a charm!
There's not enough to choose a file. Now you have to look through folders to copy the file name and paste it into the line.
There's not enough to choose a file. Now you have to look through folders to copy the file name and paste it into the line.
the fields are for the filenames of the animations inside SPQR.AnimationsPack.1.var.
So "avatar/avatar_dance1" will try to open SPQR.AnimationsPack.1.var\Custom\BVH\avatar\avatar_dance1.bvh
So I had some time today and created directory lists for the animations to save on time. I noticed that some of them don't work. But all in all it works well with some tweaking of the BVH controls. Hope this makes some of your lives easier.


  • Avatar.txt
    2.8 KB · Views: 0
  • BVH Animations 1.txt
    5.3 KB · Views: 0
  • BVH Animations 2.txt
    3 KB · Views: 0
This plugin's philosophy is in line with what I'm trying to do in AnimationPoser. The next version of AnimationPoser will be quite complete in a self-contained sense and the next step is going to be external format imports. A BVH import to AnimationPoser would be quite awesome.


-Being able to translate/rotate the animations entirely BEFORE chaining them (this way they can be put together nicely)
-Adding transitory states between the animations with minimal effort
-Adding fully customizable random markov chain style transitions between the animations
-Syncing the animations in multiple characters without trigger hell
-Browse multiple animations, each one made of chaining smaller animations
-Anchor animations to any atom or control

I don't currently have knowledge about BVH. I'll study it and other formats to come up with import routines. There are two people contributing code right now to AnimationPoser. If you are interested in putting this together let me know.
I haven't checked it since we last talked about

I didn't remember about that conversation sorry lol

Some of the features I mentioned will only be there in the next release. Depending on when you checked the plugin the last time, it might be worth it to wait for the next release. It has a better UI for starters.

I might eventually expose an api interface to the plugin for other plugin developers. Other plugins could be built on top of AnimationPoser, to make some use cases more easy. The plugin has the simplest interface imo for the general purpose random animation landscape.

If someone implement BVH import, then it will be quite easy to chain animations though. Just import one BVH as a layer, import another, rotate/transpose if you want, then merge. Anchors can be added optionally, random transition states can be added optionally, etc.
How did you write a BVH animation import plugin without knowing how BVH works?
Also it has less buttons than your plugin (also definitely easier than coding a new plugin like you are doing). Pretty lost in this conversation as a whole. Anyway...
That already exists, here
Please, no need to get angry. I just expressed my fear that without the ability to select the animation file (for each line its own) from the plugin itself (without switching to other lists) this will discourage a certain number of users. If implementing file selection by type is not possible, well, that's unfortunate.
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