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Question The quest for a realistic T shirt


The VAM community has so much fantasy and stripper clothing and far less real, everyday clothing. One item that I have yet to simulate well in VAM are t shirts.

There are several t shirt resources here on the HUB. Many still look "weird" and not quite like they would in real life. Around the woman's breasts, for example, they hang strangely and make the breasts look like scoops of ice cream under the t shirt (don't know how else to put it).

There are so many settings to tweak the t shirts: thickness, weight, sim on/off, etc. I have been playing around with them, but am still am a little overwhelmed as a semi-newbie. Then, I think, there are also performance settings which can also impact how the t shirt looks.

My questions are:

1) Which t shirt resources have you all found to be the most realistic?
2) Just as importantly, which settings do you use for the t shirt?

Thanks so much!
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