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Reddit Moderation


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
This is probably not the place to post this but I could find no other better place so here it is.

Is there no day to day moderation on Reddit anymore? The entire sub is continuously plagued with endless bots(assume its bots) posting random images from other creators work in what seems to be an attempt to farm Karma or direct to a pornhub/insert sex site here.

We all know the actual community doesn't use reddit as we are all on discord and reddit is just a ad board for paywallers to pedal their wares but its the first place many people find when researching vam and right now its a shit show and gives a super bad impression, all the unnecessary spam is not helping matters one bit.

Hoping someone will do something to moderate the posts or just kill it already as at this point its akin to a zombie that needs taking out.
I second this. I think having a usable subreddit would be beneficial for VAM, I think it definitely was years ago before the hub. The media section here on the hub could use a boost from that.

I also nominate Juno as a new moderator, she's definitely mean enough to be a reddit moderator
IMO forget about Reddit. Reddit has its uses. I've always liked the idea of Karma, where good ideas float to the top and trolls become dis-incentivized. While interesting, but for the very reasons cited in this thread, it can still be gamed. Aside from the agenda of the posters, Reddit has their own policies and agenda, which don't necessarily align with what this project needs. This project started out niche, and still is, but...there's no reason it can't ultimately become "an unreal engine" in this space. It's all about the foundation, the rest is just noise. I think there's plenty of content and contribution, and I personally don't worry much about publicity. I think even if Patreon ultimately didnt work out, the project would survive, this hub is what was needed. The users will go wherever Meshed decides to go, as long as the community is being rewarded, and I think it is.
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