Hi there and congratulations! I have this issue with yours and others scenes, I have to move the CUA scene (or Unity Assets) UP (Y axis) by 1m in order to get the floor visible, Do you know where this comes from? I would like to have the assets at the right height by default if possible :) Thanks and keep it up!
Hi there and congratulations! I have this issue with yours and others scenes, I have to move the CUA scene (or Unity Assets) UP (Y axis) by 1m in order to get the floor visible, Do you know where this comes from? I would like to have the assets at the right height by default if possible :) Thanks and keep it up!
Zero floor level = podium surface, this is done so that you don’t have to move the character with mocap animations
By renaming the package, I think you broke every scene that depended on the old one.
If the shape of the environment changed in a backward incompatible way, it should be published as a new asset, no?
By renaming the package, I think you broke every scene that depended on the old one.
If the shape of the environment changed in a backward incompatible way, it should be published as a new asset, no?
On the tab ; "history" there is a previous version. Also, if you download dependencies from the game using vamhub, it will automatically download the desired version
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