Plugin Idea: Trigger Router


Well-known member
One challenge I face is when trying to re-use menu UI's across scenes, I often find my UI's getting un-mapped. Or if I want to re-use them, sometimes they don't get un-mapped but I just have to go through and manually re-map them all to another model.

A possible solution would be if I could use a Trigger Router from the start. Basically I load all the triggers and it connects to that router, and in that router I set who they go to. If I then move it to another scene, it doesn't break all my links, it just breaks who it goes to. I then go to the router and hit refresh and select the new person and it would then continue working again. This would make re-using UI buttons much more easier and cause less issues.

It also would give you the ability to test a set of buttons/options on another model quickly.

Another big use case for this would be for a scene like Get Her Pregnant. I have a set of buttons for Girl 1, and then the same exact set of buttons for Girl 2. Instead I could have a toggle button that changes the router to go to the other girl. I could then remove an entire row of buttons in the UI and instead just use the router toggle button with one row.

This could then cut the number of buttons needed/used in half for that section. A scene that has a need for possibly 40 buttons could then have 20 with a router for example. Or it could be the difference between someone even giving that option in their UI because they don't want to create another 20 buttons or don't have the space for them or want to mess with show/hide toggles and that many atoms in their project.

Does anything like this exist? If not it might be a plugin idea to consider.
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Hummmm... :unsure:

At the moment, the only way I can think about this is by making a plugin in which you have to configure all your triggers and then, this plugin may be able to switch the target of the triggers that are configured in it.

However... I feel there are A LOT of variables involved in the process.

I'm going to gather some info about... and trying something. No promises. I'm still a noob in C#-Unity-VAM scripting.
Well... after a first look it really seems that this involve A LOT of variables and A LOT of studying (at least for me). I'm also focused on other things atm... so... I will pass, for now.

One challenge I face is when trying to re-use menu UI's across scenes, I often find my UI's getting un-mapped. Or if I want to re-use them, sometimes they don't get un-mapped but I just have to go through and manually re-map them all to another model.

A possible solution would be if I could use a Trigger Router from the start. Basically I load all the triggers and it connects to that router, and in that router I set who they go to. If I then move it to another scene, it doesn't break all my links, it just breaks who it goes to. I then go to the router and hit refresh and select the new person and it would then continue working again. This would make re-using UI buttons much more easier and cause less issues.

It also would give you the ability to test a set of buttons/options on another model quickly.

Another big use case for this would be for a scene like Get Her Pregnant. I have a set of buttons for Girl 1, and then the same exact set of buttons for Girl 2. Instead I could have a toggle button that changes the router to go to the other girl. I could then remove an entire row of buttons in the UI and instead just use the router toggle button with one row.

This could then cut the number of buttons needed/used in half for that section. A scene that has a need for possibly 40 buttons could then have 20 with a router for example. Or it could be the difference between someone even giving that option in their UI because they don't want to create another 20 buttons or don't have the space for them or want to mess with show/hide toggles and that many atoms in their project.

Does anything like this exist? If not it might be a plugin idea to consider.

This probably doesn't handle the full range you want but at least creates a single point of break that is ver quick and easy to fix when moving to a new scene.

Essentially, I tend to have repeated triggers of some kind to all go to a relay (logicbricks) or action (vamstory). For example, multiple animated sex positions where a person comes (trigger for cum clothing), instead of having a trigger in Timeline that tells cum clothing to become visible on each sex animation, I instead have a trigger that triggers a relay/action somewhere else in a empty atom. This way if for any reason I break the cum clothes when making a scene, I don't need to go to Timeline to fix all those triggers, I just go to that single relay/action. And of course, this allows for a lot of flexibility as you edit and expand a scene.
Most of my UI buttons do not have the triggers directly on them, they trigger a central single relay/action somewhere else. Even if there's little repetition of the UI buttons needs, it gives me a lot of flexibility to redo the UI if I need to and not worry about forgotten triggers.

More recently, on my new scene template, I unified the UI to reduce considerably the buttons I needed on my multiple sex animations. The system is a combination of logicbricks and vamstory director that, when a user presses the button for X sex animation to start, the name of it is stored, which leads to during the animation to follow that X buttons are to be shown with Y triggers. It's simpler than it sounds, but that means I don't need 5 cum buttons depending on the act, one can do all that based on the playing animation.
I guess so. It's a organizational aspect only.
You wouldn't need to change the trigger receiver, you could just add a copy for another person and have a previous route that would define to which person to apply the trigger set. It all depends on your needs and intentions, as I said, purely organization.
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Well... after digging into this for another project, I think that this may be doable.

No promises but, stay tuned! ;)
Little update:

I'm still working on the other project and I'm also fixing little things in my already released plugins.
This thing here, will be the next one in the list when I've come to a stable version of my actual project.
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