Plugin Idea: MergeLoad Plugin Preset to Existing # and/or Delete Plugin From List


Well-known member
When you MergeLoad a Plugin Preset it adds it to the list of plugins on that model. So if I have Silver Expression Tool on a model as plugin #1, and Timeline is on plugin #0, then merge load a Plugin Preset with Silver Expression Tool that has a different set of morphs on it, it then will stack them and cause distortion. It adds the Merge Loaded Plugin Preset to list as Plugin #2. So now I have another instance of it. If I want to cycle through 25, I then have 25 stacked and it's a mess.

One possible solution would be if I could merge load the plugin preset into the existing Plugin #1 that already has Silver Expression Tool on it so I don't create a duplicate.

Another option would be, if I could trigger a request to delete instance #1 of it first, then merge load it, it would then essentially replace #1 and not cause the duplicate.

Load PluginPreset with path does not cause any duplicates and works great but it clears all my other plugins including Timeline so I can't use that.

Does anyone know anything that exists that can solve for this? If not this might be a plugin idea to consider.
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I'm actually building a plugin preset manager, which is currently in early access and available to my patreons. It's specifically designed to solve the issues that merge loading plugin presets has.
The preset manager allows you to save/load presets for existing plugins without touching any other plugin on the atom. It can also add new plugin instances from a saved preset, automatically.
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