
Paid Clothing Mana_syx_set

Hello! I'd like to clarify. If it's not too much trouble, can you tell who this girl is? Is it possible to download it somewhere? If you don’t want to share this model, then write it right away so that there are no misunderstandings. I won’t pester you with questions, just write everything at once, please. In extreme cases, write how I can make such a model myself? Maybe the body is from one girl, and the face is from another, for example?
Hello! I'd like to clarify. If it's not too much trouble, can you tell who this girl is? Is it possible to download it somewhere? If you don’t want to share this model, then write it right away so that there are no misunderstandings. I won’t pester you with questions, just write everything at once, please. In extreme cases, write how I can make such a model myself? Maybe the body is from one girl, and the face is from another, for example?
Hello! The morphs and skins of the characters used, including hairstyles, are all made by me, I don't use other people's stuff. (I was the author who made the character's appearance a long time ago, but currently I only release costumes).
So please forgive not being able to tell you how to get them. Because I don't release characters.
There are tons of great looks to choose from on the HUB, so please don't mind it.
Hello! The morphs and skins of the characters used, including hairstyles, are all made by me, I don't use other people's stuff. (I was the author who made the character's appearance a long time ago, but currently I only release costumes).
So please forgive not being able to tell you how to get them. Because I don't release characters.
There are tons of great looks to choose from on the HUB, so please don't mind it.

I understand correctly? The girl's model was completely made by you, but you just don't want to share it with anyone. If so, then it’s a pity, it’s very beautiful and I’d like to download it to my collection. Sorry, I am writing through a translator. I wanted to write that it’s a pity that you don’t want to share.
I understand correctly? The girl's model was completely made by you, but you just don't want to share it with anyone. If so, then it’s a pity, it’s very beautiful and I’d like to download it to my collection. Sorry, I am writing through a translator. I wanted to write that it’s a pity that you don’t want to share.
I don't know if I should state this reason. Original creators know that. The process of creating something from scratch is laborious and time consuming.
Characters can be pieced together easily, and you understand that characters can change heads and bodies and textures and slide the morph bar. That's really something for the player to do, not something for the creator to do.
I'm still posting costumes only because if you want to modify them it takes skill & spends effort. They aren't as easy to mod and then sell as someone else's as character appearances are. While my costumes are now also being sold again by many pirate sites, at least it's impossible to say that they created them.
The only way to not get pirated is to not publish it.
And for that I am sorry.:cry:
I don't know if I should state this reason. Original creators know that. The process of creating something from scratch is laborious and time consuming.
Characters can be pieced together easily, and you understand that characters can change heads and bodies and textures and slide the morph bar. That's really something for the player to do, not something for the creator to do.
I'm still posting costumes only because if you want to modify them it takes skill & spends effort. They aren't as easy to mod and then sell as someone else's as character appearances are. While my costumes are now also being sold again by many pirate sites, at least it's impossible to say that they created them.
The only way to not get pirated is to not publish it.
And for that I am sorry.:cry:

Yes, I know that creating from scratch is very difficult. I myself have a scene that I somehow made. Although, I wouldn’t say that I made the scene in VAM from scratch. But it was difficult and sometimes I burned out. Are you afraid that when I receive a model of a girl, I can sell it somewhere on another site, or just give it away for free? Well, I have no such intentions, although I am unknown to you and of course you cannot trust me.
Don't mind this. As I said, there are tons of great looks to choose from on the HUB, and there will be looks for figures similar to this style. It is not required.
Have a nice day.
Hello! The morphs and skins of the characters used, including hairstyles, are all made by me, I don't use other people's stuff. (I was the author who made the character's appearance a long time ago, but currently I only release costumes).
So please forgive not being able to tell you how to get them. Because I don't release characters.
There are tons of great looks to choose from on the HUB, so please don't mind it.
Wait you made. Syx.....???
Wait you made. Syx.....???
No, I don't produce her. I only post costumes.
The character look used in the display is just a generic character look I have. and the ears are elongated to show off the earrings (since this manga character has elf ears). Of course, the earrings would work fine without the elf ears.
Actually, I didn't know about this comic and syx. it was just someone who wanted me to make this costume and I simply looked at a certain comic picture.
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Nice outfit. But where do we find that sexy dance in your trailer video?
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