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Endless walk or driving scene?


Curious to know how to create a looping environment, for a walking or driving scene.
I guess one option is to use an animated skybox? Any other suggestions for roads or walls, etc?
This scene by MalMorality has some good walk cycle animations.
The Character stays still and the floor is set to animate backwards at the same pace as the animation in a loop. keeping the character still and moving the environment is the best method, as the hair and simmed clothing don't get too crazy with the physics of forward motion. I used the same principle in my first Drums in the Deep scene, where I moved the whole cua environment around the character. A looping scene is simpler with a flat ground plane, but repeating cua's as an environment would also work.
Thanks this is a good start. I was curious if anyone knew a way to add trees or other side atoms to this cycle?
You could animate cua's going by at the same rate but on a much longer loop, so the objects starts far ahead and disappears behind. You may need to have a trigger track point at the start and near the end of the loop to turn the cua on and off so it doesn't rush past back to the start in a fraction of a second.
I'm surprised nobody has published this already. It would be amazing to load up a long car ride!
Could be awesome, it'll take some scripting though...
I'm surprised nobody has published this already. It would be amazing to load up a long car ride!
Could be awesome, it'll take some scripting though...
You have the power. if you figure out the timing for just one cua timeline animation, then you can add as many as you want with other objects and just offset them a little.
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