C&G-STUDIO submitted a new resource:
[C&G-STRIPPED] "Simple Ride 03" - ...yet not *that* simple. A heavenly ride to enjoy in various ways
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[C&G-STRIPPED] "Simple Ride 03" - ...yet not *that* simple. A heavenly ride to enjoy in various ways
Honestly I love this and I cought myself watching it for longer than I actually should haha![]()
It has some big improvments over Simple Ride 01 + 02 such as the possibility to activate an additional pelvis rotation node for example.
Instead of her hands being glued on a high pole (Simple Ride 02) this time she is moving queit dynamically giving you a lifelike experience. There is more to explore like two modes, her orgasm, built in slow motion and built in "Titty Magic" aswell as LFEs...
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