"Hey the full scene is in progress and will be released for free once it is completely finished. But my Patreons are able to see the state of art already now. Whats the problem? I think there are a lot of free scenes with less content then my demo."
That was not clear to me as a user and when you finish i will review that fairly as well

As I have for finished scenes of yours in the past and you've liked my positive feedback
"A lot of thought went into this so 5 star for detail!"
"Thank you. This keeps up motivation."
AS you've asked I will take some time to explain and you can read this or not and take it or leave it but my intention is to express some real fears I have about VAM future if too many chose your route as witnessed in this "demo".
I like your bubble gum girl and the story which i too have experienced but I DO NO LIKE the way that 'demo' plays out with the patreon browser and the patreon floating object and text and the tease nature to get you to pay.
MAKES ME SO MAD that type of product placement sales , as we get that crap everywhere in 2021 EVERYWHERE from our games to our films to our tv to our food to our phones. When we use scenes no one wants to be hard sold anything.
VAM is still to young IMO to survive such heavy handed advertising tactics, as we see in the mainstream porn industry which has also suffered under such weight leading to the OF endless fiasco and war of piracy and endless dmca take-downs as a result and all the ugliness and toxicity it generates.
VAM isnt mainstream yet and IMO its not ready for these tactics of manipulation, as that's what youre doing when you get someone to think theyre jackin it and having fun but then youre pay walling them. Even if youre a nice person with good intentions what youre doing is hardcore sales tactics in a softcore product haha
I really cannot stress how much I disagree with this for very good well documented reasons in respect to the effect advertising of this nature has had on other mediums. Just look at AAA gaming or worse the mobile phone gaming and app market. Destroyed and saturated by tricky business models and in this case physiological manipulation. So many beloved forums become a shitshow. Even on social media like reddit users are turning away in disgust at the endless paywall which hurts fledling community building when saturated.
What you might see as just a bit of fun is a dangerous precedent which could lead to a trend unless called out...and as you are the first ive seen use this model...it is you who i am being honest with...and hard. Im sorry you are the first person ive seen use this as im sure youre not alone and that is a real worry for a creator and user and patreon like myself.
But if it helps I understand 100% as a fellow creator why you do this and what youre doing and your intentions... and it was clever and unique and even funny! I laughed...and then I felt ill. And sad.
I respect your efforts from a business perspective but there are other ways to go about this...and still be successful... but i cant tell you how to be a creator. That isnt what im attempting to do. Im reacting to your action in an honest and fair way based on my experience.
I feel that a demo like this...is bad for VAM and a valid reason people turn to piracy sites to share your , our work and others.
I also feel like its confusing and misleading as a user will be waiting for the joke to end and the sex scene to continue but it never does and
in VR you're effectively trapped a user in your paywall making a person experience all that much more upsetting :?
I support 10 VAM patreons and none for the minimal amount and I don't share their work. Each one I found after I tried their work or saw on share sites.
EVEN THOUGH I could get it free elsewhere I still paid to support their creativity.
If I had found their work..however good ...or in your case promising (as unfinished), I would never on principle support them if I felt I was being hard sold anything. Same is true for millions who turn to Netflix or disney plus and patreon ironically to escape ads and hard sell. Entire industries changing because USERS and consumers hate this exact approach to their leisure and pleasure time and entertainment.
The latter is feedback from a 'VAM whale' lol That is all I can give you beyond I like and have reviewed well your other stuff. I hope that is clear and fair and not personal. I look forward to the final result paid or free. If i can use it I will review it fairly based on your final intentions.
Thanks for reading (if you did lol