What you can do is using Morph Merge & Split to, at least, get the Belline Body, but it will probably violate some licence stuff.Thanks. And yes it is sad that projects like morph splitter never got a proper modern version. In theory it's possible to not just split head, body and genital morphs but any morphs from any character. But you need to know the vertices and bone IDs and I never got it to work the way I wanted. Managed to split off hand morphs from some models this way but never found all the vertices for breast/chest or other body parts to split them properly. At least head/body split helps a lot with just using a different head on a different body. Fingers crossed someone eventually works on a proper split anything you want version.
Maybe you should build a scene where through a one click button you extract the morph locally, but the plugin available doesn't support trigger right now, thats a bummer.