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Beg Her

Paid Scenes Beg Her


Well-known member
VAMFantasy submitted a new resource:

Beg Her - A unique femdom experience.

Find yourself trapped in Claire's personal world as her playtoy! She will have her fun with you, abuse you and control you, and only on Her terms. The scene includes 5 scenarios:

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Hello! This scene looks great, and I'd love to try it out, but the big thing holding me back from buying access to your scenes tier - I don't enjoy scenes with multiple men in them. I hoped I could just switch the men out for futa/trans looks, but you mentioned they were CUAs. This might be a big ask, but is there any chance you can add an option to swap those CUA men out for trans/futa CUAs?
Hi! I don't do lgbt stuff. And I never seen futa or trans CUAs released.
If you have some CUA people you would like to swap to - select atoms guy1/guy2 etc. and chose the CUA you like. Then overwrite the current subscene preset and it will always load with your new setup.
You would have to do it for SIT (worship), HJ, slapping scenarios.
Same thing goes for removing the CUA men. Remove them from the scene, then overwrite the subscene preset. Although some animations rely on them being there.
For worshipping (segment 1) I think Mistress' head is set to loop X amount of times then transition into the "rub guy" animation. Just remove it from "play next" in the sequencing tab and she should loop standart animation.
For "HJ" module (segment 2) males are just decorations, you can remove/replace them without Claire reacting with empty space.
And finally there is Slapping module (Segment 5 iirc). The Mistress is hugging the male with her left hand.You can just delete Left Hand target from the segment, then manually place it into the position you like.

Easy customizations, altho replacing the males with females seems like an easier method. There are plenty in Xnop's Animated People pack, choose the ones you like.

For editing purposes you might not want to go through the RNG scenario swapping the scene offers you, so go to !Director atom, there you will find VAMStory Director plugin. In top right of it's UI you can choose one of 5-6 scenarios then press "Test current trigger" blue button. That will switch you to desired scenario - meaning the animation segments and SubScene preset.

The main reason why those are CUAs is performance limitations. VAM in VR melts computers with 3 Person atoms and absolutely butchers them if you have more than 2-3. Especially mine. All my scenes are made to run well on my machine in VR (well being subjective, I am usually happy to get 30-35 fps in VR). 2 extra Person atoms doing nothing is not worth butchering scene performance for me and other players.
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VAMFantasy updated Beg Her with a new update entry:

Control UI fix, additional animation

- fixed UI behaviour for Basic and Extended versions. Every animation segment was supposed to have it's own POV options available, that way the player would not be able to possess things that would break animation. But at initial release this was not working properly, it does now.
- added motion capture by ReignMocap for the Extended version:

Read the rest of this update entry...
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