Aide téléchargement foto2vam


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Quand je veux exécuter le fichier de téléchargement de foto2vam , une fenêtre s'ouvre , se rempli de codes informatiques , puis ferme brutalement.
Comment faire sur Windows 11 pour débloquer ce qui est certainement un problème de sécurité ?

Le hub Vam est une communauté anglophone. Bien qu'il ne soit pas contraire aux règles de poster en français, probablement 90% des personnes qui pourraient répondre à votre question ne la liront jamais car elles ne prendront pas la peine de la traduire. Je vous suggère d'utiliser Google Translate pour convertir votre question en anglais avant de poster. Vous avez beaucoup plus de chances d'obtenir une réponse.

Vous obtiendrez probablement aussi une réponse fgaster si vous postez dans la section "aide" du Vam Discord.

The Vam hub is an english speaking community. While it is not against the rules to post in french, probably 90% of the people who could answer your question will never read it because they can't be bothered to translate it. I'd suggest you use Google translate to convert your question to english before posting. You're much more likely to get an answer.

You'll also probably get an answer faster if you post in the "help" section of the Vam Discord.
Can you help me please.
When I want to run the foto2vam download file, a window pops up, gets filled with computer codes, then crashes.
How on Windows 11 to unlock what is certainly a security problem?
Thank you
Foto2VAM as far as I can tell is a python script. By mentioning "computer codes", do you know how to use python scripts?
Sorry, but explaining how to use python is not a quick thing and it's something you can easily search on Google. There's plenty of beginners' guides to running Python scripts and also in French for sure, just search online for installing python, running python scripts, etc.
Sorry, but explaining how to use python is not a quick thing and it's something you can easily search on Google. There's plenty of beginners' guides to running Python scripts and also in French for sure, just search online for installing python, running python scripts, etc.
Je vous remercie. Mon but étant surtout d'arriver à utiliser foto2vam.
Qui est installé mais que je n'arrive pas à utiliser
Je vous remercie. Mon but étant surtout d'arriver à utiliser foto2vam.
Qui est installé mais que je n'arrive pas à utiliser
Thank you. My being but above all to manage to use foto2vam.
Which is installed but I can't get to
Thank you. My being but above all to manage to use foto2vam.
Which is installed but I can't get to
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