vive tracker

  1. S

    Question HTC VIVE Ultimate Tracker + Quest 3

    I was wondering if anyone is using the Vive Ultimate Trackers and Quest 3 for Full body tracking in VaM? If yes what are your experiences and what can you do that works fine… many thanks
  2. W

    Question Do Vive Ultimate Trackers work with Virtamate?

    Do they? I havent found a post here on the subject?
  3. Mixed VR set on VAM. Oculus Rift S + 2 or more BaseStation 2.0 + 3 or more ViveTrackers

    Guides Mixed VR set on VAM. Oculus Rift S + 2 or more BaseStation 2.0 + 3 or more ViveTrackers

    Yes! You read it right. Mixed VR set works in VAM! or any other mixed set! Here is how to do it: MIXED VR FULLBODY TRACKING GUIDE OCULUS RIFT S + 2 or more BaseStation 2.0 + 3 or more Vivetrackers (2018) PREPARATION ===================================================================== WHAT...
  4. KameronFox

    Question Does Oculus Rift S + 2 BaseStation 2.0 + 3 Vivetracker works in VAM?

    I've followed this tutorial for making Oculus Rift S, 2 Basestation 2.0, 3 Vivetracker works in SteamVR. I see all devices in SteamVR. However when i try to use it on VAM i'm stuck! I did bind trackers in steamvr following this tutorial...
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