
  1. Make it up

    Scenes Make it up 12
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY

    Kate got cocky. She tried to bring down a crime syndicate all by herself, and ultimately had to be rescued by Clint. Now Clint missed his flight to get home for Xmas with his family. She needs to make it up to Clint... somehow... I'm so sorry, Clint! If you saw a show that this scene appears...
  2. NEXT

    Scenes NEXT 8
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY

    A template to make a scene in 60 seconds if you read the guide :) ‼️Before you hit the download button In this scene you'll find that the persons have built-in skins, no clothes (besides cum clothing), there's no environment, no music. All these you can add yourself in 60 seconds, but to do...
  3. How to use the NEXT template scene

    Guides How to use the NEXT template scene 7
    Hub-Hosted VAR FC

    This guide applies to this scene: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/next.49271/ It will show how you can best use the NEXT template scene features to have a complete scene in under 60 seconds. And if you get bored with the environment, music, appearances or clothes, change them all again...
  4. quickplace subscenes extended

    Guides quickplace subscenes extended

    This guide extends the use of quickplace subscenes to other scenes. I'm using a scene from CuddleMocap ?‍♂️ , Sex on a Cruise, to illustrate how you can make that scene compatible (personal use) for same-type quickplace subscenes, allowing you to quickly change environments and scene...
  5. quickplace subscenes

    Guides quickplace subscenes

    This guide presents a method you can use when making a scene of multiple person posed animations, to be able to load any number of environments in a modular concept. # update: there's a video in the extended guide linked below that showcases this concept in real time use. My NEXT and 2023...
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