
  1. Negligee_2

    Paid Clothing Negligee_2 v1

    2 parts (Negligee, Underwear)
  2. Negligee

    Paid Clothing Negligee v1

    look made by O.N.A -> **Acquiring Patreon membership for 30 days from the first day you supported **not 1st~30th of the each month.
  3. Roses Negligee

    Paid Clothing Roses Negligee 2021-04-01

    Well, well! I'm absolutely surprised, how sexy this negligee looks! Cute, light, and fully undressable! But I had to make two items instead of one, because I can't make presets with Sim Textures to make it open and closed in one item, sorry for that. So, there are two items. Closed Negligee...
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