
  1. gghhoosstt123

    Question Update Cap Drops Fps

    Setting update cap to more then 1 like 2 or 3 reduces fps by 15 or more and even moving camera around feels stuttery, is this normal? do i need to have a power full pc to be able to set it to atleast 2?
  2. N

    Vam with VR Desktop is either 1fps or no controllers (video)

    So I ran into this problem with VAM with my Quest 3 and Virtual Desktop a while ago that showed up out of nowhere, and after several updates it still persists, to the point where I cannot use vam wirelessly anymore.. I really hope someone can help me with this because playing it via wired link...
  3. S

    Solved HELP!! I just got the quest 3 and VAM is unplayable through cable link that come with the quest

    So I just got a quest 3 and tried to launch VAM with it. The moment it boot up the menu is extremely laggy. My last experience with VAM was with ALVR oculus go and that at least render the scene. Vam cant even render a fraction of the view and everything is in absolute slow motion to frozen. My...
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