
  1. Mother's day apron & necklace gift set -3 variety

    Clothing Mother's day apron & necklace gift set -3 variety 1.0
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY

  2. Christmas gift.

    Clothing Christmas gift. 4
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY-NC

    Christmas gift a little late, so I made it in a way that isn't necessarily Christmas related. There is a preset with silver metal, the leather color can be changed in Diffuse Color. Merry Christmas!
  3. Amber is a gift

    Scenes Amber is a gift 2022-12-24
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY-NC-ND

    Introducing Amber She offers herself as a gift. Walk around her in VR and just admire the view. The first time you load this scene, the textures will take time to load. After the game caches the assets, the performance will be much better. The scene comes with a tablet that lets you...
  4. A Unusual Gift

    Scenes A Unusual Gift 1

    Merry Christmas/XMas whatever you prefer and happy holidays! Thanks to this community, my supporters and all the great artists out there! "On a dark stormy christmas night you suddenly awake and hear a rumbling downstairs. You slowly go downstairs to investigate and find that santa brought you...
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