
  1. Give an object a texture

    Guides Give an object a texture 2024-03-26

    Guide how to give an object a texture from a graphic file
  2. mrmr32

    Reading a .json file inside my own package

    Hi, I have to read a .json with information that I'll include before building the plugin. I've read files before, but they were physical files; not files inside a package. I've tried to do something similar to the .cslist syntax and I've come with this solution...
  3. Jocks3D

    Answered Where are these mystery files being listed in my Depends file?

    I just created some Looks to share here and when I check the Depends.txt file generated by Package Builder the following files are included which I don't think I really need for the look, but I don't see where to locate these files when editing the look so I can remove them...
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