
  1. Align Plugin

    Plugins Align Plugin 3
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY

    Align (a plugin) Align positions/rotates an atom along the vector between two atoms (or the player), allowing for powerful alignment effects. Demo 1: simple alignment between 2 objects Demo 2: floating rimlight, always behind the object from the player POV. Demo 3: Combine with Sensor for...
  2. Snapshot Manager

    Plugins Snapshot Manager 4
    Hub-Hosted VAR

    Snapshot manager is simple plugin that helps you to find and save the best poses and camera angles for Person Atoms in your scenes. You can easily revisit any saved pose and camera view. How to use: 1. Add Person(s) to your scene. 2. Pose the Person and adjust the camera angle. 3. Click...
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