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  1. meshedvr

    Do the work in background thread

    The version of Unity VaM 1.X is using is highly restricted as to what can run on side threads. Most of the Unity API is restricted from side thread access. Things have gotten a bit better in newer versions of Unity, but there are still some restrictions. Unity does provide some async functions...
  2. meshedvr

    Please add reload scene button

    This is a good suggestion, but we are not planning any major 1.X changes at this time. Will keep it in mind for 2.X.
  3. meshedvr

    Official Suggestions here should now be for 2.X as we are going to be spending all our time on that instead of 1.X improvements. Thank you!

    We are only doing 1.X improvements if there is an urgent need to do a patch, otherwise we are focusing all our time on 2.X. Please note that 2.X is replacing nearly every system, so specific suggestions made here might not even apply to 2.X.
  4. meshedvr

    Completed ( Gravity + Spring/Damper force sliders missing fine adjustment buttons

    I was able to get these in, but only because I'm releasing another patch in the next day or so. And 2.X is definitely not writing itself. :(
  5. meshedvr

    Completed ( Gravity + Spring/Damper force sliders missing fine adjustment buttons

    lol - yeah let me look at this since I'm doing another patch
  6. meshedvr

    For the sake of security, please have separate exe's for VAM and Hub

    VaM Suggestions is not getting much view by me lately because we are in between platforms for development. 1.X is essentially end-of-life and cannot accept any more feedback at this time, and 2.X is too early to accept any real feedback. For your specific comment, there is a setting already in...
  7. meshedvr

    Completed ( to disable or override built-in shortcuts (quick win)

    Yeah I'll add a specific VAM_GT_ define for this. Looks cool what you have going there!
  8. meshedvr

    Already Implemented Alternative "Possess and Align Head"

    We have wiki installed and are working on it in background. It is not yet ready for public so you can't see it yet. Summary of possess: Regular possess - move controller or headset close to control, and control will snap into predetermined position. Lock in using select. 2-stage possess - move...
  9. meshedvr

    Already Implemented Alternative "Possess and Align Head"

    What you are describing is just regular possess. That snap aligns the control to the headset.
  10. meshedvr

    SubScenes and SubFolders

    Oh - and you can use hierarchical names in the Signature as well: Creator: MeshedVR Signature: SimpleRooms/RoomType1 Save Name: Night/Arrangement1 Creator: MeshedVR Signature: SimpleRooms/RoomType1 Save Name: Night/Arrangement2 But do note that when you load SubScene using the browse it will...
  11. meshedvr

    SubScenes and SubFolders

    Signature is meant as the main subfolder to store stuff that works together. The Save Name is then the variant of that signature. So you might have a signature that is 2 people atoms in a specific environment atom, and then the various stores are for different poses and animations of those...
  12. meshedvr

    Completed ( Triggers can't reference atoms if they are not in the same subscene

    Yes - the warning is important because it signals something in your SubScene is externally connected which in most cases is not desirable.
  13. meshedvr

    Completed ( Triggers can't reference atoms if they are not in the same subscene

    Glad you found a way to do what you want, but after consideration there is really no penalty to add the feature I added, and it could be pretty useful if you have a UI SubScene you want to automatically glue to any scene or SubScene that contains specific atom arrangement. I could see making a...
  14. meshedvr

    2.X Planned Web browser is very limited in terms of which sites it can view

    Yeah I am aware and this is not really a bug as it is a known limitation of the browser. The problem is mp4 codec licensing. I'm using a heavily modified older version of this asset in 1.X: I'm looking at some of the newer...
  15. meshedvr

    2.X Planned Different Tracker Roles / Camera Rig names

    I can't support that until 2.X because I'm using an older integration of SteamVR in Unity which does not recognize the new roles.
  16. meshedvr

    Completed ( VaM beta missing packages feature

    I think I have addressed everything in here in upcoming I have implemented the tweak where missing dependencies are shown in yellow if another version of that package already exists: If you click the Scan Hub For Missing Packages button it now pops an...
  17. meshedvr

    2.X Planned Clothes with buttons (that open)

    I'm going to look into interactive clothing for 2.X as part of the rewrite.
  18. meshedvr

    2.X Planned Tooltips for plugins

    I can't do this for 1.X because it would be quite disruptive to add the handlers to the dynamic UI elements to enable this. The hierarchical prefab system I'm using has a tendency to break and I use these elements all over the place so it would be too risky. For 2.X, however, I will add this...
  19. meshedvr

    Completed ( "Panic Button" on/off

    I have added user preference to allow disabling the quick Exit button. Will be in next release.
  20. meshedvr

    Completed ( to disable or override built-in shortcuts (quick win)

    I have added some booleans to disable ProcessKeyBindings and ProcessKeyboardFreeNavigation. I have also fixed a bunch of the internal functions/fields/properties to be public so you can completely replicate what VaM does internally after disabling the bindings. Attached is the sample plugin...
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