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  1. 5

    Time of scene load, fundamental question lol

    Well, yes i agree, definitely need to do something with this, and movement between two VAMs as option. As for strictly checking what you use and monitoring dependencies, this was my second attempt. It didn't last long for me. After tinkering the filtration\selection all weekend, I almost went...
  2. 5

    Time of scene load, fundamental question lol

    I quite allow that with 2k vars i would not pay attention to that problem lol.
  3. 5

    Time of scene load, fundamental question lol

    Need say, maybe about 15 minutes it's i exaggerated a bit, got excited. I think 10 minutes is about the maximum, in my 18k var's case. But anyway, definitely there is difference, what is 15 sec and what 5 min.
  4. 5

    Time of scene load, fundamental question lol

    First i tried take all "AddonPackages" content, nothing more, without touch all non-var stuff like morphs, my saved scenes\appearances etc. So, scene with single look model load for about 3 minutes, but i noticed that first loading (after VAM start) always occurs most quick. So, loading scene...
  5. 5

    Time of scene load, fundamental question lol

    So, virgin fresh installed VAM. Results Lol, i'm in shock. Default scene (/MeshedVR/default.json, with single model) load for 5 sec. Tried next (something more heavy by preview), "In Your Face" again from default collection, load for 15 sec. Ok. Along the way, I will add components from the...
  6. 5

    Time of scene load, fundamental question lol

    Hm... ok will test (and post here how it go)
  7. 5

    Time of scene load, fundamental question lol

    I clarify a little how this happens: I click on the preview, the program freezes accordingly. The waiting process I described begins. And after this time, the HDD activity actually turns on, and I begin to see how the components are loaded. So this period of disk activity takes about less than...
  8. 5

    Time of scene load, fundamental question lol

    Ok sorry, yes logically statement. Well, no, i not tried yet. But isn't that so? I proceed from the fact that scenes load much slower than, say, half a year ago, and all that has changed is only the increased number of VARs. For example, now some scenes can load from 5 to 10 minutes (again...
  9. 5

    Time of scene load, fundamental question lol

    What exactly ?
  10. 5

    Time of scene load, fundamental question lol

    Sorry if it already was discussed (i'm sure tho). As i understand, with growing up of "AddonPackages" folder, all scenes become to require more and more time to load. But seriously, what logic ? No, i can understand that with increasing of VARs quantity, the program itself require more time to...
  11. 5

    VAM needs automatic resource/plugin update function.

    I think this topic is most relevant for case when resources goes update just for change VAR license markers (BY,ND etc). Like was recently, and for further probable cases, which does not touch VAR` content itself. For avoid cloning exactly the same things.
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