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  1. keycode

    All three ways of running VaM stopped working. Need help.

    but they called that crap vr-perf[ormanze]kitty 🤣
  2. keycode

    Newbie question - Can't properly launch VAM with Quest 3.

    man! that is really ....xxx! sorry for your issue! if it is your first time playing vam with your new powerful pc and the very good quest toy, I would try to reset each VD setting to default, to restore vam core integrity and of course you have to launch vam vr directly in (virtual desktop)...
  3. keycode

    Recommend Best VaM Friendly VR Headset in 2023?

    probably you will enjoy it (left in a box?) for a long time if this review is honest https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/pimax-vision-8k-plus. I would take the same, of course, if money was not a problem, together with the cheap zukkiniberg last toy, looking even at what they will offer with...
  4. keycode

    HP Reverb G2 Non Responsive - Share Your Bindings? Other Headsets You'd Recommend?

    I specified my motherboard for a good reason (the related usb 3 controllers class matters). And yes, I keep my system (win 11 and of course the included mixed reality), steam crapware and nvidia crapware and my MSI bios updated, my vam is working always on its last current version. So... If...
  5. keycode

    HP Reverb G2 Non Responsive - Share Your Bindings? Other Headsets You'd Recommend?

    reverb g2 (first model) user since... a lot: my best steam bindings for Vam are those absolutely standard default (fucking) steamVR. Never had issues ... (NEVER). I tried on my first day with reverb, some custom settings with key bindings, but it was really not worth. If your reverb usb...
  6. keycode

    Recommend Best VaM Friendly VR Headset in 2023?

    ...so, I wish you (indeed) the best (clothed?) immersive vamPicoVamFun sir!! 🙃 and my apologies for stealing your time: I am waiting for that fucking meta quest ... and can be I will test some fun with the pass-through stereo-vision. Not kidding, it seems a nice progress that meets even my crude...
  7. keycode

    Recommend Best VaM Friendly VR Headset in 2023?

    still waiting for an important "experienced" resume from atani (would be great benefit for us reverb peones) with pico4+cable ... maybe... hopefully before I invest on my vam fap-future selling half kidney of mine, my fapping dignity to zukkiniberg, for a bastard meta quest 3. Is it really so...
  8. keycode

    Recommend Best VaM Friendly VR Headset in 2023?

    you mean (if you get a honest display port headset) no latency and no need to compromise some visual quality (with graphic data-compression) for a fucking virtual desktop app. or for an usb fucking cable ? f[r]aps per second should be not related at all or just minimally, to the mentioned...
  9. keycode

    So all my .var files are just gone in addon packages...

    little OT: time even for lazy vamplayer like me to cook a vam back-up, I guess even if I was always lucky till now and I normally delete immediately Varvam-stuff (var wiith scenes mostly) instead of saving trash under carpet, unless it is really nice value, "artistically" of...
  10. keycode

    Tips for automating the hands on the penis ?

    very useful thread 🤓 ... just one question: did you ever play with @via5 "cue" plugin (and cue preset plugins list) ? It gives a lot of smart solutions if/when you like to play just for temporary fun, reserving logic tasks work for other probably a lot less funny situations. The last plugin...
  11. keycode

    Cannot get HP Reverb G2 Controllers to work

    please reset or set-the-fucking-crapware-steamVR-keyshittings at DEFAULT (supercrapfucking) crap-settings and... if that is not enough, please check all those options mess in VAM vr settings, please 🙃 ps: with "pressing" I was meaning clicking that (fucking) stick on the vertical axis, not...
  12. keycode

    Cannot get HP Reverb G2 Controllers to work

    IMHO I think your issue has mostly to do with your settings in the vam user vr preferences menu. I have steam crapware-vr **default** settings for the controllers (just haptic disabled to save battery power). Did you try pressing the fucking stick of right controller for moving "world" up/down ...
  13. keycode

    issues with controllers (WMR headset)

    100% agree (about g2 controllers). I try never EVER to use crapware session plugins and I don't really see any motivation to do personal settings with key binding.
  14. keycode

    [HELP] Upgrading my Oculus Rift S. Which VR headset should I buy?

    I found this thread very interesting and Mein Herr, I like always to read your balanced opinions ... I f I may I would like to point at some details so often in prominence even in other forums online: 1) I read a lot about reverb G2 crashes with VAM, well... I was playing VR since the begin of...
  15. keycode

    issues with controllers (WMR headset)

    this is a problem (keeping static control points view) with vam and reverb that I could not solve... for sure not with that mess key bindings of steam vr. Editing in vr it is the same quite easy during the temporary controls visibility that you get by clicking the button "menu open" of your...
  16. keycode

    issues with controllers (WMR headset)

    you should check first very very carefully in vam vr menus options about joystick ( pivot stick) presets... and for the rest: if you have a reverb g2 you should have no problems even with steam vr standard settings. It's true that with oculus runtime it was all more easy and good with...
  17. keycode

    Clutter? My vam is over 200gigs =/

    sometimes me too I ask myself about all those unsolved situations I know being lazily listed in my actual 120 GB 😭Vam folder and so it's easy to share the same Toby feelings about our beloved creators. Can be it is all that.. part of the <game in a game> that gives spicy contribution to...
  18. keycode

    Some warnings on using the VaM Supersampling slider.

    my fault! I forget sometimes to keep at very banal standard any "topic" intrusion of mine and sorry if I hurted your limits beyond any tolerant inquisitor feedback. Reporting will make you feel better.
  19. keycode

    Some warnings on using the VaM Supersampling slider.

    in 15 years of life together, apart from my platinum better half (Austrian Viennese, but with a very Prussian character), do I have to admit that you are right? but it's probably just a cliché. :p
  20. keycode

    Some warnings on using the VaM Supersampling slider.

    Deutsche schätzen die raffinierte Gabe der Ironie selten oder verstehen sie einfach nicht
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