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  1. G

    Question Moving control node back to atom

    "Detatch Control", under the main control tab. Ignore me. I'm an idiot.
  2. G

    Question Moving control node back to atom

    Greetings, friends. I'm trying to figure out why the Control node for the hip on the atom I am using continues to be soooo far away from the actual atom. I can't seem to get it to move back to where the atom is, and the result is that a triggered animation is all wonky because, well, the hip...
  3. G

    Timeline question on start point

    Thank you.
  4. G

    Timeline question on start point

    I believe I may have figured it out. Maybe someone with most knowledge can confirm. Creating a subscene linking the two actors (calling it a "grab") via the parent function allows me to reposition both actors in place. Or seems to.
  5. G

    Timeline question on start point

    I've seen where someone asked this question once, but there was no response. Is it possible to change the start point of a timeline animation without going through and changing every single "control" target inside the timeline via pose or keyframe pose? Has to be. I had two actors in a...
  6. G

    Question Can see ghost image of penis inside girl atom

    Thanks, Slimer! Found it. I very much appreciate you taking a moment from your day to assist a new guy!
  7. G

    Question Can see ghost image of penis inside girl atom

    Oddly enough, I can see the mid to tip part of the male atom's penis in a ghostly image (not completely visible) when an action is being performed with a girl atom. I googled, and searched the forum, but there doesn't seem to be anything on this. Any idea? I'm thinking this might be the Xray...
  8. G

    Question Question on Timeline and control nodes turning off

    Thank you, Atani, but I've tried saving the pose in the timeline (copy, clear, paste, overwrite and checking "apply pose on transition"). Still flips it to the "off" position.
  9. G

    Question Question on Timeline and control nodes turning off

    I did use a pose. Is there a way in the pose to fix that?
  10. G

    Question Question on Timeline and control nodes turning off

    Adding to the trigger a "position state on" for the PelvisControl seemed to fix it. So its solved, I just have no idea why it happens.
  11. G

    Question Question on Timeline and control nodes turning off

    I'm wondering if it has something to do with me linking certain nodes to others via the parent box. For ease of animation, I've linked the left and right thigh control to the pelvis, but the pelvisControl is turning "OFF". I honestly don't get it.
  12. G

    Question Question on Timeline and control nodes turning off

    Apologies. I'm just getting started in the animation/timeline side of things. I've matched female and male atoms, and I've successfully used AcidBubbles' timeline to create animation. Works fine with I press play. For some reason I cannot fathom, when I attach this to a trigger, one of two...
  13. G

    Scenes Cyber Striptease

    Yep, that was it. Thanks! Berool (who you also used in your duet with VamTimbo scene).
  14. G

    Scenes Cyber Striptease

    Why would anyone want to change the music? It's friggen perfect. I've been trying to shazam it to figure out what the hell it is, but I get a different answer every time, and its always wrong. What is the song? I looked around in your comments but couldn't identify it.
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