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  1. LubaFoto

    Mesh issue with every single male/female model (all vam versions)

    Not a shader issue. genesis 2 UV map is offset by 1 or 2 pixel. It also happen in the back, but it very less noticeable. If you try to fix it in blender, nothing work perfect, unless you fix UV. But UV map can't be import in VAM. Also this area have low tension UVMAP, witch mean it doesn't...
  2. LubaFoto

    Question Clothes texture problem

    Normal mesh problem did make sense to me at first. Clo3d use a lot of it, you can have double side texture id, the problem many people doesn't know this, it only work in marverlous or clo3d. Has far as I know, there is no way to export those ID map outside Clo3d. Exemple, if you have a shirt...
  3. LubaFoto

    Question Clothes texture problem

    Normal and normal map are not the same. Your normal map is ok. Normal is mesh that face the camera, flip normal is the back side facing the camera, when import in Vam flip normal look black. One of my work have this problem, I forget to fix, if you look at the top buttons, they are black...
  4. LubaFoto

    Question Clothes texture problem

    Clo3d and marvelous is kind of bad to export direct to daz, I will check in a 3d software like blender if the back is normal flip, or the UV map is out of his boundary. I Use 3dsmax, when I import I check ignore normal, it fix this black problem, but I still have to fix UV.
  5. LubaFoto

    Question Do I need to submit my morphs in .VAR format before making a paid content post?

    Why not just using .var system? From a client point of view, I would prefer a var than having to deal morph files I may don't know about. When you created a .var with Vam, it use the same automatic structure you will found inside your custom folder, you don't have to worry about that.
  6. LubaFoto

    Looks Jen K

    LubaFoto updated Jen K with a new update entry: New skin texture dependency added. Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. LubaFoto

    Looks Jen K - New skin texture dependency added.

    New texture dependency added. Jen_k skin , if you don't mind the texture there is no need to download this new version.
  8. LubaFoto

    Textures Jenk Skin

    LubaFoto submitted a new resource: Jenk Skin - Jen K Read more about this resource...
  9. Jenk Skin

    Textures Jenk Skin 1
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY-NC

    JenK skin, Micro details and hight contrast. Shoot with asset colortone.
  10. Shower


  11. LubaFoto

    Question DAZ Genesis 2 morph question

    You can't export or save textures, but you can found them here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Textures\DAZ\Characters\Genesis2\BaseFemale. By default it's not very useful, very basic and don't have genital. You better edit it, a little bit.
  12. Jen K

    Looks Jen K 3
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY-SA

    Jen K, Kayla Skin version, custom skin coming soon or later.
  13. LubaFoto

    Looks Jen K

    LubaFoto submitted a new resource: Jen K - Jen K Read more about this resource...
  14. LubaFoto

    Recover lost paid content

    Guys! Maybe it's because maybe I am Canadadien :) (sorry I know it sound racist), but improving services is a thing and I am not blaming creators for this, but the system. Vam creators are offering digitals medias, not a rent. If I had the option to let people redownload things they pays for I...
  15. LubaFoto

    Recover lost paid content

    We are comparing 2 extremes situation, of course every media have is limitation, I am a patreon user myself, I just think a month time frame is less than a floppy disk. By the way I can still play Shadow President via an external usb floppy driver and Dosbox... Yes it does work and yes this game...
  16. LubaFoto

    Recover lost paid content

    I am desagree with this practice, while I understand it is how patreon work, if you loose your video games content, it will still be available to download on any other platforms. I am not blaming creator here, but the system does not service costumer.
  17. LubaFoto

    Clothing BaseBall Triclolore Outfit

    Work in progress, it's not visible on the screenshoot, but the custom texture is not done, still have to clean some few things like the seams before I releasethe model.
  18. LubaFoto

    Clothing BaseBall Triclolore Outfit

    LubaFoto submitted a new resource: BaseBall Triclolore Outfit - 4 pieces of a BaseBall Triclolore Outfit Read more about this resource...
  19. BaseBall Triclolore Outfit

    Clothing BaseBall Triclolore Outfit 1
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY

    4 pieces of a BaseBall Triclolore Outfit, long shirt, camisole, short and cap, you can try the pairs of hairs that come with it, it may fit the cap. You could also adjust physics distance scale in cloth customize menu, for big or small breats. Feel free to pay tax at patreon.com/LubaFoto
  20. Close Up

    Close Up

    Eyes close up
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