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    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

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  1. Acid Bubbles

    How do I load a scene in the same position relative to a SteamVR play area?

    @geevee that's what SpawnPoint does. It moves the navigation rig so your _head_ is exactly where it should be, rather than specifying where your navigation rig should be like VaM's default.
  2. Acid Bubbles

    How do I load a scene in the same position relative to a SteamVR play area?

    You can try https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/spawn-point.3125/ - it can spawn you _exactly_ where you want, including the height.
  3. Acid Bubbles

    Is there a way too open a scene that's "too big"?

    @KajaGoo there was another duplicate discussion with solutions here: https://hub.virtamate.com/threads/is-there-a-way-too-open-a-scene-thats-too-big.36403/
  4. Acid Bubbles

    Animated scene I created will not load. Help!

    Generally, people who record long mocap will use the Reduce function, other people will animate manually. The problem here is both my fault and VaM's; the VaM code that creates and loads JSON files use tons of memory, and there's not much I can do about it, except re-writing the whole load/save...
  5. Acid Bubbles

    Animated scene I created will not load. Help!

    Is there any error message in the error log? Was that a mocap animation? How large is the scene JSON file? One reason I'm aware of is VaM crashes if the JSON file is too large, and it's not something that can be predicted easily... you can use the Timeline's More, Reduce feature to try and scale...
  6. Acid Bubbles

    Logic Brick Question

    A small gotcha, if you have a looping Timeline animation with a single trigger, the Enter event will only be called once even if it loops back (since it will never "leave" the trigger). If you want the trigger to be called on every loop, make sure to have at least another empty trigger (e.g...
  7. Acid Bubbles

    Rotate a Person with UI Slider

    What you could do is use an Animation Pattern (I'd use Timeline for this but that's just me!) and assign the Time storable to a UISlider. That fairly simple to setup and you'll get a nice and easy result. If you use Timeline to do it: 1. Add Timeline to your Person atom 2. Targets tab: Add the...
  8. Acid Bubbles

    Timeline control-play queue

    You'll find most of this info in the Wiki: https://github.com/acidbubbles/vam-timeline/wiki/Blending-and-Sequencing But in short, you can specify "play next" in the Sequence tab; you might want to toggle looping off if the model doesn't end up in the same position as the beginning; and if you...
  9. Acid Bubbles

    AcidBubbles Timeline

    @827 I'm taking a note to see if there's a bug or not, in the meantime you can open the settings there and move weight to zero; that should have the same effect for that animation only. Just to be sure, I'm not talking about the Control tab in VaM, but the Targets tab in Timeline.
  10. Acid Bubbles

    AcidBubbles Timeline

    Yes, you can expand the hand panel on the Targets tab (on the right), and toggle off rotation/position :)
  11. Acid Bubbles

    Use UI Button#1 Trigger to Set Position of UI Butting#2: Possible?

    Haha you're technically not supposed to have to know any of that to use Timeline, but if you need (or want) to know: - X, Y, Z are Vector3 for position relative to the current parent (usually, the root joint, or the specified parent) - RotX, RotY, RotZ and RotW are Quaternion for the relative...
  12. Acid Bubbles

    Use UI Button#1 Trigger to Set Position of UI Butting#2: Possible?

    It might be overkill but since that's the way I would do it, I'll suggest it anyway. If you have multiple buttons it'd make more sense to use a technique like this. What I would do is use Timeline and create an "animation" for each "position". In Timeline you'll be able to position all...
  13. Acid Bubbles

    Arm twisting between keyframes.

    @Aminator I'm aware of a problem called "quaternion continuity alignement", for which I _should_ have a built-in solution. Long story short, any rotation can follow any numbers of paths, and the shortest will be chosen; however that are two mathematical representations of the same rotation...
  14. Acid Bubbles

    Timeline plugin controlling multiple objects?

    Timeline 6 was released btw :D
  15. Acid Bubbles

    Acidbubbles timeline help

    It was indeed answered in Discord, but for posterity: It depends; if you animated them using the Leap Motion for example, you have to go to Hand Control and change the Finger Control Mode to JSONParams If you animated them with normal morphs, try toggling this off in Control & Physics 1:
  16. Acid Bubbles

    Slow animation

    If the scenes are using Timeline, you can switch from Game/Unity time (slows with slow framerates to ensure physics run correctly) to Real/Clock time (goes at normal speed even if it means going faster than what physics should allow) in Timeline's More, Options menu. But it's still worth it to...
  17. Acid Bubbles

    headset reflecting in an assetbundle

    No problem! And I added this to my list! I'm working hard on Timeline 6, after I'll probably try and release my Walk plugin, then I have quite a list but if I do work on Embody I'll check this out :) Thanks for your understanding!
  18. Acid Bubbles

    headset reflecting in an assetbundle

    I do have code that hides the eyebrows but I thought by ticking off the "Hide hair" toggle it would've worked, seems like that might be a minor bug!
  19. Acid Bubbles

    headset reflecting in an assetbundle

    I don't know, you might be using a model that has eyebrows as a decal? I think decals are not supported when I switch the shader...
  20. Acid Bubbles

    headset reflecting in an assetbundle

    Add Embody to a person atom and open the custom UI: https://github.com/acidbubbles/vam-embody/wiki/Home-screen Then: 1. Untick everything except Hide Geometry, 2. Go to Configure Hide Geometry and untick all three options: https://github.com/acidbubbles/vam-embody/wiki/Hide-geometry 2. Tick the...
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