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  1. C

    Plugins CharacterStateManager

    Trying to use it, but I keep getting errors and crashes. What I want to do is to have a few states that have different poses. For each State (and pose, like standing, sitting,etc) i want to have a few small movement animations. How do I handle the change between states? I tried to have a...
  2. C

    Clothing Nose_Hook

    cant seem to find the morph that goes with this.
  3. C

    Plugins CustomUnityAsset BlendShapes Controller

    nevermind, fixed it! I was putting the FBX in the assetbundle, which didnt work. Once I made it a prefab, it worked great, and could use your plugin to access the modifying key. Works like a charm! Now off to do some changeble shapes...
  4. C

    Plugins CustomUnityAsset BlendShapes Controller

    Thanks, got to where I can modify an object with a Key slider in Unity. I cant seem to get it into VAM however. It doesnt appear in my assetbundle.
  5. C

    Plugins CustomUnityAsset BlendShapes Controller

    anyone have a good workflow to make blend shapes from Blender, to Unity to Vam? I get an issue making a shape in Blender with a key that modifies it, but then I import it to Unity and dont see the key...I must be missing a step
  6. C

    Plugins AnimationPoser

    Also, in IdlePoser some states could be Transition States, helping guide motion. Does this plugin have that capability?
  7. C

    Plugins AnimationPoser

    I am starting to learn your plugin, so far, so complex. I am trying to make a animation where the person poses in a variety of positions (hands up, hands behind head, bent over, etc). Then the person reacts to different triggers by slightly moving, bending legs, moving arms a bit, etc. So...
  8. C

    Guides CUA Editor tutorial

    thanks! will try native atoms and then a script, sounds quite doable.
  9. C

    Guides CUA Editor tutorial

    hey i am working thru this tutorial, really interesting. Is there a way to animate a CUA? like change the size of a toy with a trigger? thanks!
  10. C

    Plugins Silver AutoBody

    I might be dumb, but I cant figure out how to load a preset from a trigger...does it work?
  11. C

    Scenes ElectricGirlConcert

    Anyone tried this with ClockwiseSilver's roper and didnt get the ropes to work? Does the scene work? I tried it on a fresh VAM install, added the paid mods, and it seems to work for me.
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    Scenes ElectricGirlConcert

    How do I do that? I cleaned up my look quite a bit, it used to be more complex. I also used the package maker from VAM, and these are all the dependencies it found...
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    Scenes ElectricGirlConcert OnClockwiseSilver's Patreon Page for the rope, patreon page for the rope and electrical connections.
  14. C

    Scenes ElectricGirlConcert

    CernoAlpha submitted a new resource: ElectricGirlConcert - touch the lights to play with her body Read more about this resource...
  15. ElectricGirlConcert

    Scenes ElectricGirlConcert 2022-01-18

    My first scene, so please tell me if doesnt work. I imagined it as a performance where instead of an instrument, you play with a girl's body. Go thru the menu, then touch the lights when they appear to play with the body. Careful not to overload her, give time to recover. In desktop mode, there...
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