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  1. N

    Question Packing loose files into a var without meta.json?

    Thanks for the replies. I should have specified - I don't plan on sharing these vars. These are random loose files (probably from before vars existed) that I don't want cluttering my install, and would rather manage using the var system. They weren't made by me, and if I package them they'll all...
  2. N

    Question Packing loose files into a var without meta.json?

    If I have some loose clothing files for example, can I just zip them up with the .var extension and use them as a var? VaM seems to complain about them in the error log ( Exception during zip file scan of [...]: ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException: Cannot find central directory ), but they...
  3. N

    Other VAR Manager

    Yep no more broken vars error in the .net 7 update (y)
  4. N

    Other VAR Manager

    Right, it won't move a var marked as favorite - but, if that favorite has dependencies that are NOT marked as favorite, will it move those? I guess I could just try to test this myself lol. Anyway here's one of the small broken vars. 7zip gave me a "header error" when unzipping it, but it...
  5. N

    Other VAR Manager

    Hey Bill, quick question - does the "skip favorites" option also skip vars referenced by those favorites? Also, here is my list of "broken" vars if it helps you narrow it down:
  6. N

    Vam not utilizing cpu/gpu?

    Ok yeah, good call on that. I was at 30%CPU 40%GPU with soft physics on, and 40%CPU 70%GPU with soft physics off. So I'm convinced it's a CPU bottleneck, but I'm also convinced vam isn't even using all the processing power available. Hopefully vam 2 fixes that when it releases in like 6 years.
  7. N

    Vam not utilizing cpu/gpu?

    This was definitely not the case in the test I just did. Demanding scene with three people, GPU usage hovering around 50%. Deleted one person, fps nearly doubled, but gpu usage stayed right at the 50% mark. Same story after deleting another person. Here's rdr2 with some settings lowered...
  8. N

    Vam not utilizing cpu/gpu?

    Thanks for the replies everyone, didn't expect this much attention. Thanks for the Core Temp suggestion, neat program. According to Core Temp that's not the case. (this is on the basic default vam scene) Tried it but didn't notice a difference, think I'll leave it off to avoid unnecessary...
  9. N

    Vam not utilizing cpu/gpu?

    I changed windows power settings from "better" to "best" performance, no difference. here's another ss with more info. in comparison, here's red dead 2, running at half-vsync (155hz monitor) just fine with 75% gpu utilization. p.s. I do get up to 80 fps in the "default" scene, but still...
  10. N

    Vam not utilizing cpu/gpu?

    Nope, no threads above ~40%.
  11. N

    Vam not utilizing cpu/gpu?

    In a demanding scene with 3 people, I'm only getting ~30fps. When I look at utilization in task manager or afterburner though, vam is only using like 30% of my cpu and 40% of my gpu. Changing the settings and using GiveMeFps only effects fps slightly and doesn't affect hardware utilization. No...
  12. N

    100% GPU usage at menu?

    nvm lol it was a reshade preset I forgot I activated
  13. N

    100% GPU usage at menu?

    Why does vam use 100% of my GPU while sitting at the static main menu?
  14. N

    Plugins AudioMate

    Really enjoying this plugin, thanks for your work! Noticed some weird behavior when using the volume slider. Collections with lowered volume seem to have the volume level jump around in the middle of playback. It also seems to just not work sometimes - if I set a single collection to 0.01 volume...
  15. N

    Why so many misnamed morphs

    I hate downloading morphs, then not being able to find them in game. Then I open up the .vmi file only to discover the "displayName" is totally different from the file name. Like why? displayName shouldn't even be an option, it should just be the file name.
  16. N

    Looking for a specific morph for finger thickness

    I guess I'm looking for morphs that will do the thickness of each finger individually. Not sure how or why, but my model's ring finger only is too thin and it's bugging the hell out of me. I'd sort through and find the morph that caused it, but I already ran morph merger and don't have a backup...
  17. N

    Plugins Silver Expression Tool

    Have people shared their presets anywhere? I'd love to see what others have come up with. I'm a bit overwhelmed trying to make presets with hundreds of morphs to sort through
  18. N

    Plugins VAMMoan

    Has anyone made or found additional audio assetbundles for more voices?
  19. N

    VaM affecting computer performance?

    I've had 16GB of ram since 16GB was considered "way too much". It's definitely time for an upgrade, vam seems extremely ram hungry though, puts google chrome to shame. Something else I've noticed: after running vam, my computer won't go to "sleep". If I try to put it to sleep it will just hang...
  20. N

    VaM affecting computer performance?

    I don't have that installed, no. Vam also crashes on me after a while. I think it has to do with vam maxing out memory/ram usage after loading in enough different things. Is there any sort of plugin that does garbage collection or something on a scene change?
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