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Search results for query: *

  1. virtamater

    Question Whats causing this glitch?

    Whats causing the elbows to lag behind the atom and end up like this? It's in all my scenes now since this morning?
  2. virtamater

    Question Micro Displacement for Camera in VaM for slower computers as a plug in?

    I wasnt really thinking terrains though. I guess my question is... Does VaM already forget about the rest of the scene that's not in the view while we are looking around and if not, Is it possible to apply that kind of logic to it in a somewhat easy way? is it worth it to try? Like if Im...
  3. virtamater

    Question Micro Displacement for Camera in VaM for slower computers as a plug in?

    I forgot how useful this was in Blender when I did large scenes.. It just dawned on me that I'm not sure if this is something that VaM already does... or if there is an opportunity for one of our awesome plug in creators to take a stab at this and implement it for some of our friends that have...
  4. virtamater

    Question Delete Stock Vars from Scene Browser?

    :) lol. To be honest... I like the pictures the broswer provides cuz 99% of the time my brain is kinda dumb ;) I suppose I should pay attention to the names of these files. Yes.. I have like 1400 files already hidden ;)
  5. virtamater

    Question New to all this.

    Fly Roxy has created a few scenes with a scenario you are describing. She segmented the scene in a way that as it progressed through stages.... ie. Meet n greet. foreplay. bj, forplay. sex, happy ending... There is a set of animations in a loop that just repeat until you click next.. This was...
  6. virtamater

    Question Delete Stock Vars from Scene Browser?

    Ive been wondering if there was a shortcut to this. I know If you created a scene and decide to delete it, You can delete it from within the scene browser very easily.. just click the delete button ;) Why is this option not on other Var files though?? . I wish that option was available for...
  7. virtamater

    Question Switching atom for scenes that have multiple scenes?

    Thanks! That was actually way easier than I thought! :)
  8. virtamater

    Question Switching atom for scenes that have multiple scenes?

    Something I have noticed is that if you replace an atoms appearance with some of the older scenes that need to upload "next scene" within the file, the appearance you added and the original preset show up on the next load and explode if they are still in the same location. How do you switch...
  9. virtamater

    Question Assets?

    coool! thank you! im gonna have to get the BVH exporter on blender then!
  10. virtamater

    Question Animations as save to Preset?

    Thanks! Ill try that.. I noticed that option the other day and didn't do anything with it..
  11. virtamater

    Question Assets?

    :) then this gives me an idea for a scene...... Well. an improvement of an oldy, but a goodie then. One last question. Its not related to this topic, but since you two respond. Can you import Animations from Cascadeur or Mixamo straight into Vam? Id rather import them into here than redo them...
  12. virtamater

    Question Assets?

    As Long as we talking about the History of VaM... was the developer associated with Real Girl VR? the Terrain and Beach patio environment we get in the free pack is the same area in that other game... not a complaint but an observation. Just wondering who made that area first. It would seem...
  13. virtamater

    Question Assets?

    :) Thanks! thats a lot to know.. Ill be sure to look for all my stuff where you mentioned then! there is a set of wings and some heels and glasses that did end up in my clothes so thats why I thought there'd be a good place to look for others. Im not sure how they did that, but, yeah. I guess...
  14. virtamater

    Question Vr Image flipped in some scenes?

    Sometimes I get a wierd image in my headset that can only be described as my right and left lenses are flipped in a way that the image i see looks like a picture mirrored and the images flipped on either side ... Why does this do this? this example is something i just did now to illustrate the...
  15. virtamater

    Question Assets?

    My question would be then... How come some asset packs dont automatically appear in the add asset menu.. we always see the buildings and the chairs, lamps, things like that that are stock with VaM. but where do I find created assets like wings that should be in the clothing section. or the...
  16. virtamater

    Question Animations as save to Preset?

    Hi. I have a question. Im in the creator membership. Ive finally figured out how to do a load of things in here with customizing and saveng Presets of looks and plugins to do a quick swap from looks in my scenes. I need to downsize my VaM folder a bit and just Import to templetes because this...
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