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  • Users: Hedgepig
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  1. Hedgepig

    Paid asset being reference when creating scene VAR but not used

    Great you solved the problem. ! I just found this for you and everyone else. It might help clarify some details with the how-to with the package manager. VAM-Tutorial #17 - Creation & usage of VAR files - all mysteries of new packaging system uncovered - YouTube
  2. Hedgepig

    Paid asset being reference when creating scene VAR but not used

    I just tried exactly the same thing this morning, and encountered the same problem. I had paid content in the scene but removed it before trying to make a .var file. However, as is the case in your situation, the paid content kept showing up in the package manager. Here's what fixed it for...
  3. Hedgepig

    Anyone have problems using speech recognition/Voice control? The solve it, thread.

    I'm developing a speech recognition app for VAM, and I've noticed a few VAMers have problems configuring speech recognition. This means they can't use either MacGruber's Speech Recognition nor VeeRifter's Voice Control. This is a shame because these plugins have so much potential and they are...
  4. Hedgepig

    How to get a Mocap to play in VAM.

    This has me totally stumped. I want to trigger a mocap. I can do this manually by hitting Play in the BVH player. But when I want to trigger that mocap in the BVH Player using a different plugin, for example Speech Recognition, there is no Play option in the Discrete Actions choices, only...
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