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  1. M

    Plugins DiviningLipsAndHands

    Hey, really nice Plugin, but i why can't i disable the hands auto grasp etc. ? i mean when i disable grasp, it still grasps... that pretty annoying becaus in my scenes i animate the hand by myself but its pretty good when it comes to bj. So i try to use this part but can't disable hands...
  2. M

    Morphs Orgasm Morphs

    Ehm ok, somehow i can find them now.. i just restarted my computer, dont know what that was, but now its ok for me.. Thx
  3. M

    Morphs Orgasm Morphs

    Hey thank your for your work. The seem not to show up for me. Nowhere... any idea why?
  4. M

    Assets Uterine Assets

    Yep same here, no download link...
  5. M

    Assets LiquidGlassPack

    Hey, is just updated to version 16.. but every time im loading the asset bundle it sais its invalid ... T_T don't know what happend. Installed it several times but its not gonna work.. i don't know why. It worked fine so far... =(
  6. M

    Clothing Unisex HD Hoodie

    Keep up the good work =)
  7. M

    Clothing Unisex HD Hoodie

    That would be nice. I think you could use way more polygons.. the game relies on Cpu not GPU... an Polygons rendered by GPU. Most Clothings use way more. With physics on the other hand, its better with lower polycount. You have to find a way to get best results.
  8. M

    Clothing Unisex HD Hoodie

    Hey, i don't know if its just me, but could it be that your hoodie and swimsuit are extrem low poly? its very blocki in my game. Particulary at the chest area.
  9. M

    Plugins DiviningLipsAndHands

    Hey, just a question. How can i Enable/Disable some functions via trigger? Like in timeline enable/disable finger morphs. Don't know where to find it when its in session plugins.
  10. M

    Plugins VAMMoan

    Yes the issue is still there, but i think it has something to do with my scenes or something. Ive recently updated VaM to 1.21 and its still there. I think i'am the only one with this problem. Sometimes it work when i disable the squish and enable it afterwards... like the game has to reload the...
  11. M

    Plugins VAMMoan

    Hi, i think the two triggers are just for the position. One trigger is more to the belly, the other to the back/butt. you can move them a bit with the sliders. I mostly use the 2nd trigger. You also have to set the delay, because sometimes you have a double trigger and that sounds wierd =)
  12. M

    Plugins VAMMoan

    Hey Hazmhox! This Plugin is just essential for VaM and I'm using it since its released :D But since the latest Update, sometimes, after i've loaded some scenes, the Squishsounds are gone. Only thing i can do is to restart VaM. Just wanted to tell you. Don't know if its your release or some from...
  13. M

    Plugins WorkOut

    Hey nice Plugin ideas, but they are not working for me, just get an error thats it =( Your other Plugin for Expressions the same... did i miss something? PS: i just read in the log that the MacGruber_Utils.cs is missing. I have all plugins from Macgruber installed...
  14. M

    Plugins Contex Menu System (Undo/Redo)(VR&Desktop)

    Same for me. I have no options in the plugin setting itself. Any idea whats wrong?
  15. M

    Plugins BulgerSim Plugin&Demo

    Hey! Looks very nice so far. I want to ask why no other charakters work. Like in Autobulger. Did i miss something?
  16. M

    Plugins Timeline

    Just tested it, now it works, thank you =)
  17. M

    Plugins Timeline

    Hey i just downloaded you latest version and casually deleted the older version, now its not working anymore =( when i add it to a person or scene i can just see the buttons like "Animation, Target and so on" the simplesign isn't working aswell. I downloaded it 4 times now so the download isn...
  18. M

    Clothing Belly Piercing pack

    Thank you so much! I waited so long for this :D Would be awesome i there were a bit of physics for more motion. I tried it myself but the simmap is pretty awkward :D maybe you could try it?
  19. M

    Plugins Conditional Actions

    Hey Jax. I love this plugin so far. But is it possible to make more Triggers at once? like "Pressing A Starts Animaton A" and "Pressing B Starts Animaton B" or do i really have to add this plugin every time i want a new trigger? Maybe i just misunderstood something.
  20. M

    Plugins Trigger is activated by a morph.

    Hey would it be possible to Trigger just a bool? Like if value X = 50 (morph) then bLightOn... Something like that. I don't get the toggle thing^^
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