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  1. K

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    Hi. I do not have these types of issues. Best way to implement any paches, mods etc from my experience is to try them on a vanilla vam install first and move on from there. Suggest you roll back your install and see if you still have problems.
  2. K

    Guides How to launch without SteamVR (Performance Increase)

    Bit late however, launch game section will only be active from VR, so when connected to VD desktop from quest. Just create a .bat with command "[VD path]\VirtualDesktop.Streamer.exe" "[VAM path]\VaM.exe" Stick it on destop, point the pointer,clicky da fingers and presto. Vam without steam.
  3. K

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    Indeed. Comparing performance differences between 3080 and 4090 are not that dramatic in VAM when comparing with newer titles. I took the 1080, 2080ti, 3080ti, 4090 path and from memory the biggest jump was between 1080 and 2080ti. After that I could have spend the surplus money on something...
  4. K

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    Hi, Looks kike it;s your 3080. Compare like for like vanilla install HT on in both cases as I did not find much difference with HT off, except of CPU running a bit cooler. Don't use lasso as it will introduce another variable. Stock: With patch: Again this is just a benchmark. I can see...
  5. K

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    Hi. Noticed the same. The patch definately increases desktop performance for me but did not affect VR so far compared to vanilla install . That is using VD btw and affinity to 6 P-cores on 13900k. More tweaking and monitoring to be done.
  6. K

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    Hi. Looks like HT was the issue. Forgot to switch it off again in bios after mucking about. Only noticed as vanilla install did not had the issue. But affinity=1,2,3,4,5,6 would caused HT to kick in I assume only using 3 cores with HT? All goot after switiching HT off again. Leaving 2...
  7. K

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    Hi. Did some more testing with HT on and off. Getting similar results as trety. HT OFF HT ON So not much difference between HT on and off except as stated earlier that that. CPU runs cooler with HT off. So all cool in desktop mode. However what puzzles me is that VR performance is a bit...
  8. K

    Other CPU Performance Patch (Up to 30% faster physics, up to 60% more FPS)

    Oh dear what have you done :-). Brings me back in time when optimising config.sys and autoexec.bat for Elite and Wing Commander on my rig back in the days. Having a 13900k/4090 now. Not done much overclocking yet though. Using below settings with HT disabled. [threads] computeColliders=8...
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