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  • Users: T_bob
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  1. T_bob

    Virtual Desktop on Quest 2 - Can't use right controller to move forward and backward in VAM scene?

    The way to move with one controller is to press and hold the joystick and then move your hand forward, backwards, up, down and twist your wrist to turn. Grab World. Make sure the 'Disable Grab Navigation' is untickedicked.
  2. T_bob

    No controller tracking through Virtual Desktop

    Hi George, that is not the way to use VD (Virtual Desktop). VD does not use Steam. If you bought VD on Steam then get a refund it's the wrong one for the Quest 2, you need to buy it from the Quest store. If you got it from the Quest store then the best way to use it is to make a .bat file...
  3. T_bob

    bad connection problem between computer and oculus quest

    Members here are very helpful and we might be able to help you but there is not enough info: Like ----Computer Specs, Quest 1 or 2 and how do you connect to your laptop. Your problem of 2 hourglasses light up permanently is not very clear. Let us know, we can't promise anything but we might be...
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