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  1. Slam Thunderhide

    Not A Bug Bug in VAR Creations

    Yes. Check out any of my recent scenes. In one I have like 20 random sound bricks running. ? works amazing.
  2. Slam Thunderhide

    Not A Bug Bug in VAR Creations

    Nope. Gave up pretty quickly and now using Logic Bricks Random Sound. Works great.
  3. Slam Thunderhide

    Strange Hip Atom Distortion Issue in Subscenes.

    This was happening before on Person 2 only but now happening on Person 1 and has destroyed my entire scene. No idea why its doing this. If you load a scene then select one of the sub-scenes it works fine. If you then select another sub-scene within the scene the hip adom changes its position...
  4. Slam Thunderhide

    Not A Bug Bug in VAR Creations

    This one doesn't work now either. Thanks. I've reached out to both of these creators to let them know but I'm ready to kill myself if they won't update as I am at a total loss for a random sound file plugin now that allows "only play when clear" I wish I knew how to create one myself.
  5. Slam Thunderhide

    Not A Bug Bug in VAR Creations

    Its weird that both worked before but now they don't. Also don't work with .wav files either.
  6. Slam Thunderhide

    Not A Bug Bug in VAR Creations

    Hey Meshed, Getting weird errors with sound files when trying to export to a VAR. Thought it was just AudioMate but now I have the same error with SoundRandomizer. When I try to export to a VAR it seems VAR changes all the names of the sound files then can't find them so then it errors when...
  7. Slam Thunderhide

    Fixed ( The namespace 'System.Runtime.InteropServices' is prohibited and cannot be referenced

    Thank you. Have you considered building in something like this into the game? I've started working with a voice actress because I think the sound aspect is sadly lacking in most scenes these days. Having the model move their lips in sync to sound files would greatly enhance the immersion.
  8. Slam Thunderhide

    Fixed ( The namespace 'System.Runtime.InteropServices' is prohibited and cannot be referenced

    Thanks. Do you know of any other plugins or settings that would lipsync a model to a head audio file? In my opinion its probably one of the most important aspects of any scene.
  9. Slam Thunderhide

    Fixed ( The namespace 'System.Runtime.InteropServices' is prohibited and cannot be referenced

    This plugin stopped working on the newest update. Worked yesterday (Feb 10) !> Exception during compile of AdamAnt5.Realtime_LipSync.1:/Custom/Scripts/RT_LipSync/RT_LipSync.dll: System.Security.SecurityException: Security Check Failed (NamespaceRestriction) : [RT_LipSync_v2, RT_LipSync_v2.dll] ...
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