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  • Users: SpaceHerpy
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  1. S

    Can I roll sex scenes into other scenes as subscenes?

    I see these sex scenes with few/limited number of poses/animations and I pass them over because I'm not interested in such limited scenes. But then it occurred to me, can I roll several of them together into a single scene? I'm new to VAM so I don't know if that's doable or easy enough to be...
  2. S

    Is there a way to turn off collision and then turn it back on?

    Sometimes I load a pose and a hand or a foot is in a place where, if I pause the action and drag it to where I want it, it will collide with the other figure and move it to the point that it ruins the pose - is there a way to freeze the scene, turn off collision altogether, move the body part I...
  3. S

    How do I change the name of my person atoms?

    If I change them, they're changed back automatically. I'd like to be able to put a 0 or a ! in front of the name so they're sorted at the top of the scene list, and I don't have to scroll down past a ton of stuff every time I want to select them.
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