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  1. R

    Screenshots no longer saving?

    If it requires running as admin, than obviously it's OS/user error (not VaM issue). Don't "install" VaM inside admin rights protected folder (otherwise run as admin or give permission). There is important note that many skip and don't read https://www.patreon.com/posts/downloading-and-32794384...
  2. R

    Fixed (FIXED in - added user preference) Errors pop open UI automatically

    Changelog (just in case for readers that don't check patch notes): After quick test and comparison with 1.20: This change affects only error log, message log doesn't appear to pop-up while UI is closed. So creators that wants to keep general logs or whatever can still use message log for it...
  3. R

    Fixed (FIXED in UI Toggle Button Issues

    I think it's the case of using ToggleOn vs on trigger. When using on (either true or false) you hit UIToggle atom once to trigger it (doesn't matter if check or uncheck state). With ToggleOn you have to press UIToggle twice (triggers only when checked). EDIT: With "on" it cycles on single...
  4. R

    Fixed (FIXED in ImagePanel Cannot Play Any Local Video Files, Always Causing: "Error with video VideoPlayer cannot play url"

    Well I didn't managed to play a single one (out of ~15 some files). File size was small, with only 3-6 sec recorded at 1920x1080p. I didn't consider testing lower res...before uninstalling OBS. :confused:
  5. R

    Fixed (FIXED in ImagePanel Cannot Play Any Local Video Files, Always Causing: "Error with video VideoPlayer cannot play url"

    I also had no luck playing any .avi or .mp4 files (on any panels or TVs). same errors: !> Error with video VideoPlayer cannot play url : Custom/2023-02-02 22-05-14.mp4 !> Error with video VideoPlayer cannot play url : Custom/2023-02-02 22-12-24.avi I recorded multiple test files (with OBS)...
  6. R

    Fixed (FIXED in [Duplicate] Triggers on Geometry Clothing can't be packaged as var

    receiverTargetName "clothing:JaxZoa.JaxEffects.4:/Custom/Clothing/Female/JaxZoa/Jax_Effects_DroolCornerLeft/Jax_Effects_DroolCornerLeft.vam" This sounds like this issue (due to addition of clothing: in name/path). After building package (using your scene) it creates reference for...
  7. R

    Fixed (FIXED in Found in TechnoPillar missing on scene load

    Thanks! I was hoping it was something simple to fix. We all know that 1.21.2 is (probably) the last one for the time being, just like was. (...and 2.x cave is waiting) :LOL:
  8. R

    Fixed (FIXED in Found in TechnoPillar missing on scene load update: Still the same... !> Atom type PhysicsAtom does not exist. Cannot add !> Failed to find atom TechnoPillar of type PhysicsAtom !> Could not find atom by uid TechnoPillar !> Could not find atom by uid TechnoPillar ...but! by editing scene file and replacing: "id" ...
  9. R

    Fixed (FIXED in Found in Creator Filter (File Browsers)

    New creator filter doesn't appear to be working 100%. Missing creators on drop down menu (from shortcuts list) on multiple occasions (plugins, scenes, presets,...). EDIT: After further testing... It appears to be missing only the bottom one (alphabetically) for some reason.
  10. R

    Fixed (FIXED in reported in Scan Hub For Missing Packages (.minVer)

    That's great news! This should give creators more control and "flexibility". By ensuring better compatibility for end users (vs latest option) and reducing duplicates (vs exact option). too bad it doesn't work properly in previous 1.20.x
  11. R

    Fixed (FIXED in reported in Scan Hub For Missing Packages (.minVer)

    Using minimum (minVersion) reference version is still partially broken. Scan hub for missing packages still can't download packages with .minversion (Not On Hub). Workaround: goto said package (inside package manager) and click open on hub, from there you can download all min.references...
  12. R

    Fixed (FIXED in Issue started in - Performance Monitor causes a number of problems (Transform Gizmo Mouse Over, 5 Second Pauses)

    Usually I don't have performance monitor enabled, but I did noticed somewhat "sluggish" behaviour in desktop mode with updated UI. Though I was going crazy. 🤔 Didn't look too much into it... 🤷‍♂️ However I did noticed blue dot marker is visible (centered) when locking mouse movements (if new...
  13. R

    Won't fix ( Web browser autoplay yt video

    I don't use chrome, but it appears that policy change was from 2018 or so? 🤔 Well damn, how old was previous 2.0.0 browser? I can see it used Chromium 64.0.3282.119 (from 2017), guess that explains it. :LOL: Anyway... Thanks for info. Using mute=1 works, to autoplay animated videos as...
  14. R

    Fixed (FIXED in AptSpeaker no Volume Actions (triggers)

    This is old bug, I decided to report it for archival purposes. Basically Volume Actions (triggers) are broken on AptSpeaker, Add Volume Action option does nothing. I doubt many use that nippleSpeaker as main audio source. But the only way to add actions is by manually adding triggers inside...
  15. R

    Not A Bug Hair glitch after cleaning cache

    You can still override it to save few frames, just don't go below 8x. I have it at 16x Also if not mistaken AMD optimized sets it to 32x (32x vs 64x you can't see the difference, aside from lower fps). EDIT: app restart is required for this setting to take any effect
  16. R

    Won't fix ( Web browser autoplay yt video

    You can't really use embedded youtube video as background anymore (without autoplay). https://www.youtube.com/embed/PLACEVIDEOIDHERE?autoplay=1 Autoplay stopped working and you need to manually hit play (autoplay works fine on v1.20.77.13). This is quite counter intuitive if interactions are...
  17. R

    Can't play Twitch on in-game browser

    VaM is using old browser, so this is nothing new. Many websites as they get updated and requirements are no longer met...they don't work. As of recent even patreon is not working properly. is the final version (for vam 1.x), no more updates. So the number of unsupported websites is...
  18. R

    AP steps shifts Ypos when controlled by another AP

    TL;DR Don't use AnimationPattern to control another AnimationPattern. It's nothing new...physics and 'daisy' chaining atoms can cause micro shifts or stutters in positon of AP steps. [similar report1, report2] But using AnimationPattern to control another one is a serious no go (Find another...
  19. R

    Performance Monitor and User Preferences showing very different fps numbers

    Just wanna expand upon my previous reply. Actual issue is when you have Physics Rate set lower than you actual FPS. Performance monitor still reports correct fps (about 95% of time), in some rare cases it reports more. example: if you have 240fps capped (vsync or using third party cap) and...
  20. R

    Fixed (FIXED in REPORTED in Using "something:" trigger breaks reference path

    this is old bug from 1.19.2.x (maybe older) that breaks reference path Issue: Using Receiver Target trigger that starts with toggle:<something>, clothing:<> or hair:<> breaks reference by adding said prefix. Potentially this could be true for any trigger (Receiver Target) that starts with...
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