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  1. Vam_SlesaR

    Русскоязычное комьюнити

    если анимация timeline можно просто анимировать бокал, не привязывая его к руке, но могут возникнуть траблы из-за физики
  2. Vam_SlesaR

    Русскоязычное комьюнити

    в любом формате скачиваешь, в 3D редакторе, например Blender если надо редактируешь и сохраняешь в OBJ или FBX, потом закидываешь в Unity, сохраняешь в виде assetbundle и уже его закидываешь в VAM Вот гайд и проект для Юнити...
  3. Vam_SlesaR

    Русскоязычное комьюнити

    sketchfab.com - большое количество моделей, в том числе и бесплатных p3dm.ru -модели из разных игр, в том числе и боевая техника. но тут вопрос качества моделей
  4. Vam_SlesaR

    Русскоязычное комьюнити

    Да нет, все верно, все VAR файлы ложатся в аддон пекедж, других вариантов нет. Чего именно не хватает? можно ссылку для примера?
  5. Vam_SlesaR

    Русскоязычное комьюнити

    С Типа танки вертолеты и тд?
  6. Vam_SlesaR

    Русскоязычное комьюнити

    Если текстуры genesis2 то просто копируешь, если генезис 8- конвертирует и копируешь. В группе ВК есть видео по конвертации, здесь в гайдах есть инструкция на английском
  7. Vam_SlesaR

    assetbundle scripts as dll... Help me please.

    As far as I know, you can use BepInEx to create plugins with fewer restrictions, but most likely you will not be able to place them in the hub.
  8. Vam_SlesaR

    I have found oxygen mask 3d model - I need help

    Ha! you can always grab a 3d model in any game. And you can also get the source codes, bypass the protection and much more. But if we consider it based on this position, then the models cannot be used at all. It is impossible to get a mesh from assetbundle without using third-party programs...
  9. Vam_SlesaR

    I have found oxygen mask 3d model - I need help

    the clothing asset does not give access to the 3D model. Just like assetbundle. I doubt that using this in VAM would violate the license
  10. Vam_SlesaR

    Fat guy problems

    please give feedback when you check
  11. Vam_SlesaR

    Fat guy problems

    oh, this is a known problem with the collider of the male body, try it, maybe these plugins can help you (I haven't checked) Plugins - Supplementary colliders for male & futa | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) Plugins - Collider Editor | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com)
  12. Vam_SlesaR

    Bondage “clothes” for male atoms?

    I made a set, but I don't like it at all. Later, when my computer is returned from the service, I will do something that looks better https://mega.nz/file/wIR0yBZQ#TvoSD4k_NWSfLE8eBV_Ju618FZWxcqbBx8IVCMfxv_s
  13. Vam_SlesaR

    Bondage “clothes” for male atoms?

    unfortunately, my computer has been under repair for 2 weeks, but I have not forgotten about my promise
  14. Vam_SlesaR

    Bondage “clothes” for male atoms?

    I don't specialize in men's clothing, but I'll try to make something simple like ropes for hands and feet
  15. Vam_SlesaR

    Русскоязычное комьюнити

    Попробуй спросить тут, https://vk.com/club206818265 там русскоязычных побольше будет
  16. Vam_SlesaR

    VAM user survey

    I wanted to say that such a survey by the administration would be appropriate to understand exactly how VAM is used and what functionality is in demand.
  17. Vam_SlesaR

    VAM user survey

    I would like @meshedvr to pay attention to this survey.. 17% use VR, at least this suggests that it is necessary to make desktop mode more functional.
  18. Vam_SlesaR

    VNGE plugin for VaM

    hm.. I need to read carefully what you are doing, I may have missed something important🤔
  19. Vam_SlesaR

    VNGE plugin for VaM

    can anyone make an analog of VNGE mod (for illusion games)? I would gladly pay for such a plugin. or start learning programming yourself right away?😅🤣
  20. Vam_SlesaR

    Русскоязычное комьюнити

    возможно поможет выпуск карты UnionPay
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