You Hyptnotize Me!

Scenes You Hyptnotize Me!

Amazing mocap, from the beautiful model to the amazing dance moves and song to match, well done !
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The music and dance tempo are perfect! thank you for made this.
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Loved it! The camride, cute model, the dance and the awesome music. Thanks, Timbo. <3
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Super sexy. Phenomenal animation and camera work!

I blacked out the scene, added rain and SallyFX-driven lights, and this turned straight epic :)
Awesome! You should post a video of that! (On discord)
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Great animation and model.
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Absolutely amazing. The dancing, model, scene, etc. are all stunning!
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Excellent !! merci : )
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This is one of the best scenes so far , thanks for sharing !!
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Great dance idea Thankyou!
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Simple motion but great scene
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Great mocap, cute dance!
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